Written by Deborah Hoffman, Reporter
Two and a half years ago, 33-year-old Jonathan Bik was completing the final test to become a lineman for Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD).
He was 45 feet off the ground when he lost his footing. "I came straight down the pole and landed flat-footed," said Bik. He snapped his femoral artery and doctors could not save his right leg.
The father of two young girls was not going to let his injury keep him down. "All I have to do is look around a little bit and there's always somebody that's got it a little harder than I do, so it kind of puts it in perspective," he said.
While Bik was in the hospital his thoughts turned to running. "I wanted to be able to run again. I'd seen it in magazines," he said.
He calls himself extremely lucky, saying "SMUD's been great. They've taken care of all of my prosthetic needs."
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics fitted Bik with three different prosthetics: one for everyday use, one to help him run, and one for biking."I jumped right into the highest technology stuff," he said.
With the support of his wife and daughters, Bik began training to compete in triathlons. On Sunday he will compete in the Triathlon World Championships in Hamburg, Germany.
He laughed when he said that all he wants is a medal. But even without a medal Bik will tell you he's a winner.
He said he's become a better person after losing his leg. "I don't think I really realized what I had before," he said. "One of my greatest improvements is appreciating the things that I have and what I'm able to do."
Copyright 2007
. All Rights Reserved.
Created: 8/28/2007 2:56:39 PM
Updated: 8/29/2007 5:11:06 PM
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