Here is the link and a message from Dennis Owen Frohlich of North Dakota State University who is conducting the survey.
Here is is message:
Dear James,
Thanks for your prompt response! I am a master’s student in communication at North Dakota State University. For my thesis I am studying amputee support groups on Facebook. I am interested in the amputees who use these groups and what they get out of being in these groups.
I was wondering if you could help me with my project. I am conducting an online survey, and need help finding other amputees. If I could post a link to my survey on your page’s wall I would appreciate it.
Additionally, if you could send the survey on to other amputees you know that would be great.
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and is voluntary; people may withdraw their consent at any time, for any reason. Their identity will be protected; no report or publication will contain any information that will be traced back to them.
Here is the link to the survey if you want to look at it first:
To give you some personal background, I also operate a support group on Facebook, “The United Colon Vlog.” This group is for people with colon diseases, particularly people who’ve had their colon removed. I can empathize with missing a part of your body as I am missing my colon, though our experiences are different. This project will help me understand how other online communities based on a health condition operate.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Dennis Owen Frohlich
North Dakota State University
Amputees on Facebook Survey