The Amputee Network is an organization dedicated to educating all amputees, their families and friends. Our primary objective is to help in the prosthetic rehabilitation. In a confidential manner we exchange useful information among amputees and professionals with special skills - all designed with the common goal of improving the amputee's quality of life.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Disabled Veterans Memorial
Visit this link for information on the unveiling of The Disabled Veterans Memorial in Washington DC.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
H.R. 5428, the Injured and Amputee Veterans Bill of Rights
We are asking for your help in support of H.R. 5428, the Injured and Amputee Veterans Bill of Rights. This legislation was recently re-introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by the Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, Congressman Bob Filner.
This new legislation has some language in the bill that differs from the previous bill introduced in the last Congress. The new language adds an enforcement mechanism for the rights created under the bill.
In addition to being required to post in every VA O&P clinic a list of rights that injured and amputee veterans have, the VA will also be required to post these rights on their website and create a complaint system so these rights have "teeth.” The purpose of this legislation is to alert veterans across the country that they have certain rights to ensure their receipt of high quality O&P care and to make such care more consistent throughout the country.
NAAOP has always felt that as the spotlight on injured and amputee veterans begins to dim, the attention to meeting the needs of orthotic and prosthetic patients will also decrease. That is why enactment of this legislation is so important. No legislation will offer a silver bullet to ensure that all veterans get what they need when the need it, but this bill is a significant step forward to ensuring that our nation’s veterans will be able to access high quality care, and high quality practitioners, for years to come.
Passage of this bill is one of NAAOP’s top priorities and we hope you will continue to help us pass it as soon as possible. Please take the time to read the text of the Injured and Amputee Veterans Bill of Rights. We hope you will also take the time to write to your Congressman and request him or her to cosponsor this important legislation. We have attached a draft support letter to assist you with this task and hope you will copy us so we can monitor the strength of our efforts.
Thank you for your continued support of the O&P profession.
This new legislation has some language in the bill that differs from the previous bill introduced in the last Congress. The new language adds an enforcement mechanism for the rights created under the bill.
In addition to being required to post in every VA O&P clinic a list of rights that injured and amputee veterans have, the VA will also be required to post these rights on their website and create a complaint system so these rights have "teeth.” The purpose of this legislation is to alert veterans across the country that they have certain rights to ensure their receipt of high quality O&P care and to make such care more consistent throughout the country.
NAAOP has always felt that as the spotlight on injured and amputee veterans begins to dim, the attention to meeting the needs of orthotic and prosthetic patients will also decrease. That is why enactment of this legislation is so important. No legislation will offer a silver bullet to ensure that all veterans get what they need when the need it, but this bill is a significant step forward to ensuring that our nation’s veterans will be able to access high quality care, and high quality practitioners, for years to come.
Passage of this bill is one of NAAOP’s top priorities and we hope you will continue to help us pass it as soon as possible. Please take the time to read the text of the Injured and Amputee Veterans Bill of Rights. We hope you will also take the time to write to your Congressman and request him or her to cosponsor this important legislation. We have attached a draft support letter to assist you with this task and hope you will copy us so we can monitor the strength of our efforts.
Thank you for your continued support of the O&P profession.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Stepping forward with love

Imagine losing the use of your legs and what that would mean to your mobility, independence and activities.
Now think of what it might be like to not have legs at all.
That’s how Nicholai “Kolya” Denykin was born. But caring people and technology are making life-changing measures possible for the 10-year-old Russian boy.
The Rev. Kathryn Adams met Kolya in 2006 when she led a To Russia with Love volunteer-in-mission team to the Renewal Orphanage in Dimitrov, Russia. The Rev. Mrs. Adams, who has spearheaded 17 mission teams to orphanages in Russia, said the group also visited the orphanage in 2007 and this year. Mrs. Adams is director of Protestant Campus Ministries at Youngstown State University; To Russia with Love is a nonprofit organization and extension of PCM.
“The doctor at the orphanage asked if we could do anything to help Kolya,” Mrs. Adams said. So the team of volunteers took on the task of bringing Kolya to America and having him fitted with prosthetics. The cost is estimated at $5,000.
This isn’t the first time the volunteer-in-mission team has worked on such a project. In 2008, Mrs. Adams brought Vlad Makarov, who also had lived at Renewal Orphanage, to the United States to be fitted for prosthetics. Makarov, now 20 and a computer programmer who graduated from a technical college, had lost his legs below the knees in a train
Makarov and Kolya arrived Aug. 30 in the United States, accompanied by the orphanage doctor. Mrs. Adams and her husband, the Rev. Russ Adams, pastor of Western Reserve United Methodist Church in Canfield, are hosts to the Russian guests at their home in Canfield.
Makarov spent two weeks in the Mahoning Valley to see Craig Svader of Advanced Anatomical Design (AAD), licensed prosthetic, orthotic and pedorthic professionals with offices in Canfield and Girard, for adjustments to his prosthetics. Makarov has since returned to Russia, where he now has an apartment he shares with his grandmother, sister and pet bulldog.
Kolya will be in the United States a minimum of three months. He currently uses a wheelchair and is being fitted for prosthetics at AAD.
“He was basically born without legs ... just stumps to the knee,” said Mrs. Adams.
Kolya will have physical therapy at Youngstown Orthopaedic Associates.
Svader said fitting Kolya is “challenging” because he has to make prosthetics that will be “adjustable” as the child grows.
“They have to be durable so he will be able to do what he wants to do,” Svader said.
Svader said Kolya’s birth defect of missing limbs below the knee also presents a challenge to Kolya in learning to walk. “But children adjust very well,” Svader said.
Svader is donating his time, expertise and materials to the prosthetics, which would cost about $20,000.
Though Kolya faces challenges, Mrs. Adams described him as a “delightful child” who is curious and eager to please.
Kolya is “enjoying time in America” and “likes everything,” she said.
He plays video games and likes to watch TV.
As for food, Kolya “loves hot dogs” and is adjusting to other American foods.
Mrs. Adams speaks enough Russian to get by, and a Russian neighbor also helps with communication.
The prosthetics will “completely change Kolya’s life,” Mrs. Adams said.
And that’s why she does what she does.
“God calls us to do what we can for others,” she said. “I’m trying to help this little boy have a new life.”
As for the mission team, when they visit Russia, they have gone to Renewal Orphanage, where the children all have physical disabilities, and other orphanages. Team members interact with the children and give them gifts. The team also does work projects.
Friday, September 17, 2010
ACA and Member Support Group Events Calendar
Title: First Volley Adaptive Tennis Clinic
Description: Alpine Hills Tennis & Swimming Club, Portola Valley, California. An adaptive tennis program for ambulatory players. For more information visit
ACA and Member Support Group Events Calendar
Description: Alpine Hills Tennis & Swimming Club, Portola Valley, California. An adaptive tennis program for ambulatory players. For more information visit
ACA and Member Support Group Events Calendar
Visit The JPO - Journal
JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics Official Publication of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Softbound
Physicians for Peace
My Thumbs Up Award to: Physicians for Peace!
Here is what they are about:
Who We Are
* [View]
Physicians for Peace was founded in 1989, dedicated to the ideal that health care in the developing world can best be improved by providing training and education to health care professionals in those countries. When we send one volunteer medical professional overseas, that person might train 10 of their peers in-country, who will later heal thousands or tens of thousands of patients in the world’s most underserved populations.
By focusing on long-term, sustainable, replicable medical education and training, we send teams of medical volunteers — including physicians, dentists, nurses, physical therapists, physician assistants and other healthcare professionals — to places where their teaching and healing skills are needed most. Since its inception, Physicians for Peace has made hundreds of trips to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East and beyond, changing the lives of countless thousands of people along the way.
The programs, missions and volunteers of Physicians for Peace transform the lives of countless thousands of patients in some of the neediest regions of the world. But we can only carry out this work with your support. Your gifts of time, materials and funding are what allow us to continue providing critical care and education in the developing world. We thank you for that support.
Mission | Vision | Values
Through education and training, to increase the medical capabilities of underserved nations, thereby improving lives, serving as an inspiration and model for better relations among nations and empowering people to develop to their full potential.
Building peace and international friendships through medicine.
* Build peace and international friendships through medicine
* Provide quality medical services and heathcare education
* Build programs that can become self-sustaining and allow Physicians for Peace to exit
* Utilize volunteers to lead and execute education and training missions
* Develop revenue streams to adequately support the implementation of programs and missions
* Engage in collaborative and strategic partnerships (staff, volunteers, in-country and other NGOs)
* Define and measure impact
Here is what they are about:
Who We Are
* [View]
Physicians for Peace was founded in 1989, dedicated to the ideal that health care in the developing world can best be improved by providing training and education to health care professionals in those countries. When we send one volunteer medical professional overseas, that person might train 10 of their peers in-country, who will later heal thousands or tens of thousands of patients in the world’s most underserved populations.
By focusing on long-term, sustainable, replicable medical education and training, we send teams of medical volunteers — including physicians, dentists, nurses, physical therapists, physician assistants and other healthcare professionals — to places where their teaching and healing skills are needed most. Since its inception, Physicians for Peace has made hundreds of trips to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East and beyond, changing the lives of countless thousands of people along the way.
The programs, missions and volunteers of Physicians for Peace transform the lives of countless thousands of patients in some of the neediest regions of the world. But we can only carry out this work with your support. Your gifts of time, materials and funding are what allow us to continue providing critical care and education in the developing world. We thank you for that support.
Mission | Vision | Values
Through education and training, to increase the medical capabilities of underserved nations, thereby improving lives, serving as an inspiration and model for better relations among nations and empowering people to develop to their full potential.
Building peace and international friendships through medicine.
* Build peace and international friendships through medicine
* Provide quality medical services and heathcare education
* Build programs that can become self-sustaining and allow Physicians for Peace to exit
* Utilize volunteers to lead and execute education and training missions
* Develop revenue streams to adequately support the implementation of programs and missions
* Engage in collaborative and strategic partnerships (staff, volunteers, in-country and other NGOs)
* Define and measure impact
Aid team sets off on medical mission to Malawi
International Society For Human Welfare and Rehabilitation
The Society was founded by Mr. Surinder Mehta, Chairman, Prime Group of Companies in the year 1995. It is registered with the Registrar of Societies Delhi and the registered office of the Society is at A-4, Naraina Indl. Area, Phase-1, New Delh.-110028.
ISHWAR Society is a voluntary, non-profit Organisation dedicated to serving the physically challenged and other needy sections of the Society.
The main thrust of the Society is the welfare of the physically handicapped. It aims to provide efficient Modular Hi-Tech Artificial Limb Systems to those unfortunate victims (amputees/polio effected) who due to the quirks of fate have suffered a loss of limb/limbs / suffering of polio.
The Society, firmly believes that physical disability is no handicap. It is a challenge to be faced by giving the needy people good efficient limbs and limb supports which help them to stand, walk, run and enables them to exploit their fullest potential to lead fruitful & dignified lives.
The Society was founded by Mr. Surinder Mehta, Chairman, Prime Group of Companies in the year 1995. It is registered with the Registrar of Societies Delhi and the registered office of the Society is at A-4, Naraina Indl. Area, Phase-1, New Delh.-110028.
ISHWAR Society is a voluntary, non-profit Organisation dedicated to serving the physically challenged and other needy sections of the Society.
The main thrust of the Society is the welfare of the physically handicapped. It aims to provide efficient Modular Hi-Tech Artificial Limb Systems to those unfortunate victims (amputees/polio effected) who due to the quirks of fate have suffered a loss of limb/limbs / suffering of polio.
The Society, firmly believes that physical disability is no handicap. It is a challenge to be faced by giving the needy people good efficient limbs and limb supports which help them to stand, walk, run and enables them to exploit their fullest potential to lead fruitful & dignified lives.
ISHWAR Society spreads awareness about advance treatments for Physically Challenged people
Taking yet another step forward to help & support physically challenged people, ISHWAR (International Society for Human Welfare and Rehabilitation) organized a continuous rehabilitation education programme on "Management of Neuropathic Feet with Thermoplastic AFOs" (Ankle Foot Orthosis) through its ISHWAR Institute of Prosthetics & Orthotics (IIPO) at Chennai. AFOs (Ankle Foot Orthosis) which are usually made of thermoplastics are worn on the effected side at the ankle region for people suffering from foot drop. Foot drop could be due to stroke, cerebral palsy, polio or any other neurppathic foot ailments. The four day programme was organized with an aim to spread awareness about the latest technique for the use of AFOs and the recent developments like Tamarack Ankle Joint & Diabetic Foot Management. It was conducted by Mr. Charles W Kuffel, President, Clinical Director, Blaine Medical Center, USA. After the brief session by Mr. Charles.
Go to link for the whole story.
Go to link for the whole story.
$815K NIH Grant Supports PhysioNetics' Work on Low-Cost Prosthetics
DENVER--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--ADA Technologies, Inc.’s PhysioNetics division has been awarded an $815,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The Phase II award will enable PhysioNetics to complete design refinements and commercialization activities for its low-cost upper-extremity prosthetic interface, also known as a “socket.”
Go to link for the whole story.
Go to link for the whole story.
HAITI: Emergency sheds light on needs of pre-quake disabled
Exercise for Amputees
Exercise !!! Why is it Important for Amputees????
Check out the link for answers!
Check out the link for answers!
Pre-earthquake amputees in Haiti
From IRIN, a story on the needs of amputees in Haiti. People who were amputees before the earthquake are claiming to be earthquake victims to get faster prosthetic service.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
MTV is developing a pilot for a potential new documentary series about young people who have recently suffered serious injuries and .....
Every day accidents happen that unexpectedly change a person’s life forever. Facing a life-changing injury can be overwhelming, challenging, and difficult to understand.
MTV is developing a pilot for a potential new documentary series about young people who have recently suffered serious injuries and are rebuilding their lives.
The subjects will work with Mark Zupan, quad rugby player and star of the movie "Murderball," who will offer his expert advice on how to move forward after a serious injury. Mark is a quadriplegic who faced first-hand the adversity of being paralyzed in a car accident in 1993.
Who we are looking for
We are looking for one young person to be the subject of our pilot for this potential new series. We're looking for young people between the ages of 16-28 who are recovering from a serious injury and would like to share their story on national television.
About Punched In The Head Productions
We are a small independent production company that’s been contracted by Cheri Sundae Productions to find subjects for this MTV pilot episode. We have produced several episodes of MTV’s “True Life.”
About Mark Zupan
Mark is a Paralymic athlete, motivational speaker, author, and an engineer. He was featured in the Oscar nominated-documentary Muderball, and has appeared in several television shows including Miami Ink and 30 Days.
How to contact us
718-422-0704 ext 108
Every day accidents happen that unexpectedly change a person’s life forever. Facing a life-changing injury can be overwhelming, challenging, and difficult to understand.
MTV is developing a pilot for a potential new documentary series about young people who have recently suffered serious injuries and are rebuilding their lives.
The subjects will work with Mark Zupan, quad rugby player and star of the movie "Murderball," who will offer his expert advice on how to move forward after a serious injury. Mark is a quadriplegic who faced first-hand the adversity of being paralyzed in a car accident in 1993.
Who we are looking for
We are looking for one young person to be the subject of our pilot for this potential new series. We're looking for young people between the ages of 16-28 who are recovering from a serious injury and would like to share their story on national television.
About Punched In The Head Productions
We are a small independent production company that’s been contracted by Cheri Sundae Productions to find subjects for this MTV pilot episode. We have produced several episodes of MTV’s “True Life.”
About Mark Zupan
Mark is a Paralymic athlete, motivational speaker, author, and an engineer. He was featured in the Oscar nominated-documentary Muderball, and has appeared in several television shows including Miami Ink and 30 Days.
How to contact us
718-422-0704 ext 108
Monday, August 23, 2010
Some things are just not right!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
National Limb Loss Information Center Informational Podcasts
Podcasts brought to you by The Amputee Coalition of America.The contents of this Web site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, nor do they necessarily represent the views of the CDC. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.
Thursday, July 08, 2010

About Us
According to Healthcare Without Harm, U.S. hospitals generate more than two million tons of medical waste each year. Much of that waste is unused medical supplies and equipment. While in the developing world, World Health Organization estimates that more than 10 million children under the age of five die due to inadequate medical care.
So what can be done?
MedShare is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving healthcare and the environment through the efficient recovery and redistribution of the surplus of medical supplies and equipment to those most in need. We collect surplus medical supplies and equipment from hospitals, medical distribution companies and individuals, and then redistribute them to qualified healthcare facilities in the developing world. We also outfit medical missions and safety net clinics in both the U.S. and abroad.
The MedShare Bridge
Step 1Gathering supplies:
Gathered more than $70 million worth of life-saving medical supplies and equipment.
Recieved medical products from hundreds of hospitals and corporations
Collected over 10,000 pieces of equipment.
Step 2Matching needs:
Sorted more than 2,200 tons of medical supplies.
Provided approximately 1,000 different items per shipment.
Built volunteer corps exceeding 700 per month.
Step 3Improving healthcare and the environment:
Shipped more than 550 forty-foot containers to 80 countries.
Saved in excess of 1 million cubic feet from area landfills
Provided medical supplies for over 1,000 medical mission teams
Our shipments of medical supplies and equipment have decreased our carbon footprint and brought healing and the promise of better lives to 80 countries and countless patients.
Prosthetic limbs sent from Salem to other nations By Jillian Jorgensen

SALEM — Prosthetic limbs aren't the first thing that comes to mind when people wonder what can be recycled — but Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital is hoping to put old limbs to new use.
"As people grow and change, their limb grows and changes, so they usually end up with one or two hanging around the house that they can't use anymore," according to Joanne Desmarais, a physical therapist and in-patient program coordinator at the hospital.
But those limbs can help others, and the hospital is collecting them over the next month. Federal regulations do not allow prosthetics to be recycled in the United States, so the donated limbs will be sent to other countries.
"It goes to people in other countries who don't have access to the new prosthetics," Desmarais said. "We're hoping a good share of them get to Haiti, but we can't be guaranteed where they go."
The hospital is working with American Prosthetics and Orthotics, which has an office in Salem, to collect the prosthetic limbs. They will be donated to MedShare, an agency that recycles and distributes surplus medical supplies and equipment.
"When people first have their amputation, their leg is a very different shape and size than it will be over the course of their recovery," she said. "The limb that they get first usually works for the first six months to a year."
Many people who have extra prosthetic limbs at home are eager to donate them to others.
"They're very aware of the financial cost of a prosthetic, and then they're also so much aware of the benefit of having a prosthetic, so they're usually more than willing to pass them on."
The last time the hospital collected prosthetic limbs was in 2006 when more than 100 were donated. Desmarais said she is looking forward to receiving a similar number this year.
"I think 100 was a pretty good turnout, so I'm hoping," she said.
Desmarais said the Northeast Rehabilitation hospitals in Salem and Nashua will both participate, as well as the dozens of outpatient facilities that are part of the network. They will continue to collect the limbs throughout July.
Desmarais said the drive will also be a nice way to part with prosthetics left behind by family members who have died.
"When people are sick, they accumulate so much equipment and then when they don't need it anymore, a lot of people want to get it out of sight," she said. "This is just a nice way to do it."
• • •
Join the discussion. To comment on stories and see what others are saying, log on to
To donate
Anyone who wants to donate prosthetic limbs or orthotics should bring them to Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital, 70 Butler St., Salem. Donations can also be sent to Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital at Southern New Hampshire Medical Center's West Campus, 29 Northwest Blvd., Nashua.
Saturday, July 03, 2010

Young Amputee, a Northbrook Auto Mechanic,
Gets Prosthetic Aid Via Central American Group
When a pair of Chicago prosthetists founded the Range of Motion Project in 2005 to provide artificial limbs to amputees in Central America, they picked Guatemala to serve as its hub of operations.
But the group’s reach extends well beyond that nation—even to local spots like Northbrook, where 24-year-old auto mechanic Justin Southwick has plied his trade while in a prosthetic leg made possible by ROMP.
The local connection came about after ROMP co-founder Eric Neufeld connected Southwick with David Speers, a certified prosthetist and orthotist working in the Schaumburg office of Scheck & Siress.
Southwick’s insurance company refused to cover the cost of a prosthetic leg. Neufeld, also a Scheck & Siress certified prosthetist and orthotist, told Speers he would send him the necessary parts, and Speers agreed to donate time to make a prosthesis and all adjustments as needed.
Meanwhile, Southwick and his family decided to make a no-strings attached donation to ROMP.
Since its inception, ROMP has received strong support from Scheck & Siress, the Chicago area’s largest private orthotic and prosthetic provider. The organization has helped fit about 750 people with prosthetic limbs and provided more than 1,800 with orthotic devices.
“ROMP’s mission is to serve people in need, and that need is universal,” Speers said. “Insurance costs are a major issue to so many people here in the United States. It feels good to be able to help someone overcome that hurdle.”
A 2004 graduate of Lake Zurich High School, Southwick and his wife, Megan, have one daughter, Alexis, and reside in Deer Park. When Alexis was two months old, in early 2008, Southwick began experiencing pain in his left leg.
The first sign of trouble came when the leg, just above the ankle, would get sore when he tightened his work boots or when he was on his feet all day. A series of examinations, X-rays and MRIs left a trail of puzzled doctors who thought the problem may have been a bone bruise or hairline fracture, among other possibilities.
Then, in May 2008, one ordered a biopsy and found a rare form of bone cancer in the tibia, or shinbone. The news shocked Southwick, who wondered how he’d be able to support his family and whether he’d be able to run and play with his daughter as she grows.
Reconstructive surgery and other surgeries followed, including the transplanting of a left thigh muscle, and two skin grafts from the other side of his thigh, into the affected area near Southwick’s ankle.
Southwick was in a wheelchair for two months, spending much of that time at home doing special workouts to prevent blood clots. In all, the graft worked for about four months. However, infections set in and on August 27, 2009, he had amputation surgery.
Further discouragement came when his insurance company stated that it would not cover the cost of a prosthetic leg. At this point, Speers and ROMP stepped up—Speers donating his time to fabricate a prosthetic leg, and ROMP furnishing the leg from previously used parts of other prosthetic legs.
About a month later, Southwick was fitted with his first prosthetic leg and returned to work at Thalmann’s Alignment, 1904 Willow Road. He drove cars to and from customers, answered the phone and performed other administrative work while he adjusted to his new leg.
Southwick has visited Scheck & Siress’ office in Schaumburg, 1701 E. Woodfield Road, about twice a month since then. Speers has made adjustments along the way to fitting him for a permanent prosthesis.
“Scheck and Siress has been great,” Southwick said. “David’s made the whole process a whole lot easier.”
This March, Southwick fell and damaged his prosthetic leg. He contacted Scheck & Siress, which “got me in there right away” to make the necessary adjustments, Southwick recalled.
“David won’t let you leave unless you know you’re walking right,” said Southwick. “He’ll make some adjustments so that it’s as perfect as it possibly can be before you leave his office. It’s nice to know that he truly cares.”
Meanwhile, Southwick has resumed his prior duties as a mechanic, enabling him to “work on cars as good as ever,” he said. Now his sights are set on running his own business and leading an active lifestyle in which he enjoys as much time as possible with his family and friends.
And when Alexis, now close to 2 ½ years old, asks her daddy to push her on a swing or play hide-and-seek, Southwick jumps at the invitation.
“I’m not looking to rebuild the world,” Southwick said. “I just want things to go back as much as possible to where they were, without having to take medications or see doctors all the time. Already, I’m pretty much there.”
For more information, to get involved, or to find out how to donate a used prosthesis to ROMP, contact any Scheck & Siress practitioner at any of the company’s 11 locations in the greater Chicago area.
Online, you can visit or
Monday, June 28, 2010
Vanessa King: Actress, Model & Graphic Designer Wants to See Higher Visibility for Amputees, Pam Vetter

"I'd like to see more exposure for amputees in entertainment, but not just as victims of an accident or background in war movies. I think more exposure on television and in film would help people become more familiar and comfortable with amputees and, hopefully, cut down on the shock and discrimination amputees are subject to because they've lost a limb," Vanessa King says, "Society has to play catch up soon. More young men and women are coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan as amputees. The way amputees are judged still surprises me, but I don't focus on the rejections. Instead, I keep moving forward and hope things will change."
Visit link for the whole story.
Def Leppard's Rick Allen Source of Inspiration To Amputee Vets/TV Movie Duty Made Nancy Travis Appreciate Series Job
With Def Leppard setting off on a cross-country tour this summer, you'd better believe that some of the fans most looking forward to catching one of their shows are Iraq War veterans — who've found drummer Rick Allen to be a source of inspiration and a friend. ...........
Visit the link above for the whole story.
Triple amputee seeking dreams in Hollywood
Triple amputee seeking dreams in Hollywood
By Robert McCoppin Daily Herald Staff
Published: 9/6/2007 12:02 AM
Bryan Anderson would love to show people what it's like for a wounded soldier to get back to normal life -- but he can't.
As he puts it, "I wouldn't call this a normal life."
It's not losing limbs in Iraq that skews Anderson's life, to his way of thinking.
It's his whirlwind schedule of television shows and films, meeting celebrities and constant traveling that's unusual for a 26-year-old guy from Rolling Meadows.
Almost two years after a roadside bomb blew off both of Anderson's legs and his left arm, he tells his story in "Alive Day Memories: Home from Iraq," at 9:30 p.m. Sunday on HBO.
He predicts the documentary will hit home with audiences wondering what life is like for soldiers suffering traumatic injuries in the war.
By Robert McCoppin Daily Herald Staff
Published: 9/6/2007 12:02 AM
Bryan Anderson would love to show people what it's like for a wounded soldier to get back to normal life -- but he can't.
As he puts it, "I wouldn't call this a normal life."
It's not losing limbs in Iraq that skews Anderson's life, to his way of thinking.
It's his whirlwind schedule of television shows and films, meeting celebrities and constant traveling that's unusual for a 26-year-old guy from Rolling Meadows.
Almost two years after a roadside bomb blew off both of Anderson's legs and his left arm, he tells his story in "Alive Day Memories: Home from Iraq," at 9:30 p.m. Sunday on HBO.
He predicts the documentary will hit home with audiences wondering what life is like for soldiers suffering traumatic injuries in the war.
Amy Purdy Takes On Hollywood By Meredy Fullen
Appropriately nicknamed "Purdygirl" among her circle of family and friends, Amy Purdy has taken Hollywood by storm, making her presence known. Although Amy is a youthful and energetic 24-year-old, her spirit is mature beyond her years. She possesses the uncanny ability of quietly demanding attention, turning heads when she walks into a room. People in Hollywoodimportant and well-connected peoplehave apparently taken notice.
Visit the link above for the whole story.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Aimee Mullins
Aimee's most recent film project is the upcoming Into the Woods, scheduled for theatrical release in 2010.
Her film debut was a starring role in the highly-acclaimed film by contemporary artist Matthew Barney, Cremaster 3, first presented in the US at the Guggenheim Museum in 2003. Cremaster 3 is "an astonishing work of creativity," and was lauded by The Guardian as "the first truly great piece of cinema to be made in a fine art context since Dali and Bunuel filmed Un Chien Andalou in 1929. It is one of the most imaginative and brilliant achievements in the history of avant-garde cinema."
Aimee first received worldwide media attention as an athlete. Born without fibulae in both legs, Aimee's medical prognosis was bleak; she would never walk and indeed would spend the rest of her life using a wheelchair. In an attempt for an outside chance at independent mobility, doctors amputated both her legs below the knee on her first birthday. The decision paid off. By age two, she had learned to walk on prosthetic legs, and spent her childhood doing the usual athletic activities of her peers: swimming, biking, softball, soccer, and skiing, always alongside "able-bodied" kids.
After graduating high school with honors, Aimee was one of three students in the US chosen for a full academic scholarship from the Department of Defense, and at age 17 became the youngest person to hold a top-secret security clearance at the Pentagon. She worked there as an intelligence analyst during her summer breaks.
It was at this time that she rediscovered her love of competitive sports. While a dean's list student at the prestigious School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, she set her sights on making the US Team for the 1996 Atlanta Games. She enlisted the expertise of Frank Gagliano, one of the country's most respected track coaches. Through this partnership, she became the first woman with a "disability" to compete in the NCAA, doing so on Georgetown's nationally-ranked Division I track team. Outfitted with woven carbon-fiber prostheses that were modeled after the hind legs of a cheetah, she went on to set World Records in the 100 meter, the 200 meter, and the long jump, sparking a frenzy over the radical design of her prototype sprinting legs.
After a profile in Life magazine showcased her in the starting blocks at Atlanta, the world took notice. Aimee soon landed a 10-page feature in the inaugural issue of Sports Illustrated for Women, which led to her accepting numerous invitations to speak at international design conferences. Being introduced to this discourse relating to aesthetic principles, she became interested in issues relating to body image and how fashion advertising impacted standard notions of femininity and beauty. In 1999, Aimee made her runway debut in London at the invitation of one of the world's most celebrated fashion designers, Alexander McQueen. Walking alongside the supermodels of the world, Aimee's groundbreaking, triumphant turn captured the attention of the fashion media, propelling her onto the magazine covers of ID and Dazed and Confused. After making her mark in the fashion magazine standards of Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, W, Glamour, and Elle, she was also named as one of People magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People in the World."
An influential voice in today's culture, she has been named as one of Esquire's "Women We Love," one of Jane magazine's "10 Gutsiest Women," one of Sports Illustrated's "Coolest Girls in Sport," and was celebrated as the "Hottest Muse" in Rolling Stone's annual Hot List.
In addition to her professional career, Aimee serves on numerous boards and spends much of her time assisting various non-profit organizations, most notably the Women's Sports Foundation (WSF). Aimee served for years as Vice-President for J.O.B., the nation's oldest non-profit employment service for persons with disabilities, founded in 1947 by Eleanor Roosevelt, Orin Lehman, and others. After serving as a Trustee for the WSF, founded by Billie Jean King, she was elected as the foundation's President, a position she stewarded from 2007 to 2009.
Already at a young age, Aimee's impact on modern society and her influence on future generations is undeniable. Her likeness has been immortalized in exhibits at institutions such as the Smithsonian, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the NCAA Hall of Fame, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Tate Modern, the Track and Field Hall of Fame, and the Women's Museum, where she is honored for her contribution to sport among the "Greatest American Women of the 20th Century." She resides in New York City.
Aimee's most recent film project is the upcoming Into the Woods, scheduled for theatrical release in 2010.
Her film debut was a starring role in the highly-acclaimed film by contemporary artist Matthew Barney, Cremaster 3, first presented in the US at the Guggenheim Museum in 2003. Cremaster 3 is "an astonishing work of creativity," and was lauded by The Guardian as "the first truly great piece of cinema to be made in a fine art context since Dali and Bunuel filmed Un Chien Andalou in 1929. It is one of the most imaginative and brilliant achievements in the history of avant-garde cinema."
Aimee first received worldwide media attention as an athlete. Born without fibulae in both legs, Aimee's medical prognosis was bleak; she would never walk and indeed would spend the rest of her life using a wheelchair. In an attempt for an outside chance at independent mobility, doctors amputated both her legs below the knee on her first birthday. The decision paid off. By age two, she had learned to walk on prosthetic legs, and spent her childhood doing the usual athletic activities of her peers: swimming, biking, softball, soccer, and skiing, always alongside "able-bodied" kids.
After graduating high school with honors, Aimee was one of three students in the US chosen for a full academic scholarship from the Department of Defense, and at age 17 became the youngest person to hold a top-secret security clearance at the Pentagon. She worked there as an intelligence analyst during her summer breaks.
It was at this time that she rediscovered her love of competitive sports. While a dean's list student at the prestigious School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, she set her sights on making the US Team for the 1996 Atlanta Games. She enlisted the expertise of Frank Gagliano, one of the country's most respected track coaches. Through this partnership, she became the first woman with a "disability" to compete in the NCAA, doing so on Georgetown's nationally-ranked Division I track team. Outfitted with woven carbon-fiber prostheses that were modeled after the hind legs of a cheetah, she went on to set World Records in the 100 meter, the 200 meter, and the long jump, sparking a frenzy over the radical design of her prototype sprinting legs.
After a profile in Life magazine showcased her in the starting blocks at Atlanta, the world took notice. Aimee soon landed a 10-page feature in the inaugural issue of Sports Illustrated for Women, which led to her accepting numerous invitations to speak at international design conferences. Being introduced to this discourse relating to aesthetic principles, she became interested in issues relating to body image and how fashion advertising impacted standard notions of femininity and beauty. In 1999, Aimee made her runway debut in London at the invitation of one of the world's most celebrated fashion designers, Alexander McQueen. Walking alongside the supermodels of the world, Aimee's groundbreaking, triumphant turn captured the attention of the fashion media, propelling her onto the magazine covers of ID and Dazed and Confused. After making her mark in the fashion magazine standards of Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, W, Glamour, and Elle, she was also named as one of People magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People in the World."
An influential voice in today's culture, she has been named as one of Esquire's "Women We Love," one of Jane magazine's "10 Gutsiest Women," one of Sports Illustrated's "Coolest Girls in Sport," and was celebrated as the "Hottest Muse" in Rolling Stone's annual Hot List.
In addition to her professional career, Aimee serves on numerous boards and spends much of her time assisting various non-profit organizations, most notably the Women's Sports Foundation (WSF). Aimee served for years as Vice-President for J.O.B., the nation's oldest non-profit employment service for persons with disabilities, founded in 1947 by Eleanor Roosevelt, Orin Lehman, and others. After serving as a Trustee for the WSF, founded by Billie Jean King, she was elected as the foundation's President, a position she stewarded from 2007 to 2009.
Already at a young age, Aimee's impact on modern society and her influence on future generations is undeniable. Her likeness has been immortalized in exhibits at institutions such as the Smithsonian, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the NCAA Hall of Fame, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Tate Modern, the Track and Field Hall of Fame, and the Women's Museum, where she is honored for her contribution to sport among the "Greatest American Women of the 20th Century." She resides in New York City.
Prosthetic Limb Info Online
Visit the Prosthetic Limb Info Online web site, much good stuff to look at and read!
Computerized Prosthetic - LIFE AND LIMB - Part 3 - RECON - Military Videos - The Pentagon Channel
Prosthetic limbs have been around for ages and it is used to replace a limb that is lost due to an accident, battle or even disease. Prosthetic limbs have come leaps and bounds since they first originated and while some are pretty simple and straight forward, technology has allowed for some prosthetic limbs to be rather complex and have wires and gears. The best thing about prosthetic limbs is that the cost has decreased and it’s now something that almost anybody can afford.
A moving experience: Helping hand appreciated

Free prosthetic provides amputee new lease on life
By Sean Thomas
By Sean Thomas
For the Amarillo Globe-News
Stubbornness cost 60-year-old Leo Hawk his leg, and now charity is restoring it.
Hawk took his first steps Wednesday after receiving a free prosthetic leg from Mahaffey Orthotics & Prosthetics, 5507 S.W. Ninth Ave.
"I'm thrilled to death," Hawk said, taking his first few steps with the support of hip-level bars. "It is really hard to explain."
Cliff Mahaffey, a licensed practitioner orthotist, carefully fitted the $7,500 prosthetic leg for Hawk, a process that lasted several weeks. Mahaffey, who owns Mahaffey Orthotics & Prosthetics, donated the time, material and labor to help Hawk.
"It's just a great way, as a company, that we can give back," Mahaffey said. "It is gratifying."
Hawk, a Vietnam War veteran and tattoo artist, spent the past six months confined to a wheelchair after his leg was amputated slightly below the knee, a complication from poorly managed Type 2 diabetes. It started with a small callus on his foot that eventually became infected, and gangrene developed.
"I never took care of myself like I should have," Hawk said, claiming that stubbornness kept him from taking the medicine needed to combat his diabetes. "I kick myself in the butt for it."
He said his circumstances are his own fault and that he deals with depression.
Mahaffey, who has been in the business for more than 20 years, said the idea to give a prosthetic to someone who needed it but couldn't afford it started while he worked for months to get Medicaid funding for a man from Oklahoma who desperately needed a prosthetic limb. When he finally was denied, Mahaffey agreed to move ahead for free.
"He didn't have any other place to go. Leo showed up a few days later," Mahaffey said. "He doesn't have any means either."
Mahaffey said he can't do it for everyone and that he has two other patients he is working with to find grants or other funding for the prosthetics.
Hawk said that throughout his battle with diabetes and adjusting to losing his leg, he has maintained a sense of humor. He said he looks forward to simple daily events that others might take for granted, like playing with grandchildren or going to the kitchen for a glass of water. And he has a good idea of what to do with the newfound freedom.
"I'm definitely going to go dancing and chasing wild women again," Hawk said.
Hawk took his first steps Wednesday after receiving a free prosthetic leg from Mahaffey Orthotics & Prosthetics, 5507 S.W. Ninth Ave.
"I'm thrilled to death," Hawk said, taking his first few steps with the support of hip-level bars. "It is really hard to explain."
Cliff Mahaffey, a licensed practitioner orthotist, carefully fitted the $7,500 prosthetic leg for Hawk, a process that lasted several weeks. Mahaffey, who owns Mahaffey Orthotics & Prosthetics, donated the time, material and labor to help Hawk.
"It's just a great way, as a company, that we can give back," Mahaffey said. "It is gratifying."
Hawk, a Vietnam War veteran and tattoo artist, spent the past six months confined to a wheelchair after his leg was amputated slightly below the knee, a complication from poorly managed Type 2 diabetes. It started with a small callus on his foot that eventually became infected, and gangrene developed.
"I never took care of myself like I should have," Hawk said, claiming that stubbornness kept him from taking the medicine needed to combat his diabetes. "I kick myself in the butt for it."
He said his circumstances are his own fault and that he deals with depression.
Mahaffey, who has been in the business for more than 20 years, said the idea to give a prosthetic to someone who needed it but couldn't afford it started while he worked for months to get Medicaid funding for a man from Oklahoma who desperately needed a prosthetic limb. When he finally was denied, Mahaffey agreed to move ahead for free.
"He didn't have any other place to go. Leo showed up a few days later," Mahaffey said. "He doesn't have any means either."
Mahaffey said he can't do it for everyone and that he has two other patients he is working with to find grants or other funding for the prosthetics.
Hawk said that throughout his battle with diabetes and adjusting to losing his leg, he has maintained a sense of humor. He said he looks forward to simple daily events that others might take for granted, like playing with grandchildren or going to the kitchen for a glass of water. And he has a good idea of what to do with the newfound freedom.
"I'm definitely going to go dancing and chasing wild women again," Hawk said.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Seeking hope in tragedy
On the last day in Les Cayes, the clinic we were at had a celebration for all of the volunteers. There was food and music as the staff doled out declarations of appreciation to everyone who helped....................
Through hope they teach to cope

Entering a building in the First Cross of Muneshwara Nagar here is an eye opener.
Six young persons, three of them girls, are working. Two things strike you, one, they are cheerful, chirpy and amazingly active. Second, they all have some physical disability or the other.More is in store. As you begin talking to them you find that they are working on aids for people like themselves - people with physical disabilities.
Physically disabled they may be, but their abilities are amazing. They produce prosthetic and orthotic aids, crutches etc. They fit the users with the aids, train them in using them, counsel them to cope with their disabilities and advice them on accessing financial assistance to earn a livelihood and become self-reliant.
The Association of People with Disability (APD), an NGO trained the young men and women from Bangalore, Chitradurga, Tumkur, Gauribidanur and Srinivaspur for a year and assisted them to set up the Navachetana prosthetics and orthotics production centre in Kolar, to enable them make themselves self-reliant.
The aids they produce can be used by polio-affected children, persons with wasted limbs or those who have lost their limbs, those with deformed limbs or spine, and those who have suffered spinal injuries or have chronic pains in the neck or other parts of their bodies.
Assisted by APD so far, Navachethana is on the verge of self-reliance, and the little army of half a dozen differently able youths brim with confidence about facing life and helping others.
Narasimha Murthy of Gauribidanur, who is an expert in producing the artificial aids, is an epitome of that spirit.
"Five years ago, I fell from a four-storeyed building and lost all feeling from waist below. After undergoing therapy and training, I decided to dedicate my life for people with disabilities. I am now confident enough to fill others with hope.”APD Programme Coordinator Paul Y Samuel says his organisation began the prosthetics and orthotics production centre in Bangalore in 1989.“Realising the difficulty of persons with disabilities having to travel to Bangalore to access such facilities such as aids, training on using them and counselling to cope with disabilities, we have decided to start similar centres in every district. ”The unit in Kolar and one in Madikeri are among the first of such district centres.“Compared to private hospitals, the cost of equipment, training and counselling is very low at Navachethana. For instance, a session of physiotherapy costs only Rs 20,” Samuel says. Further, since the counsellors and trainers are themselves people with disabilities, communication is easier and there is greater empathy between the staff of the centre and the users, Samuel says. Another USP of Navachethana is that the young persons who run it, offer doorstep services for such people whose disabilities make it not possible to visit the centre.
More details can be had on phone no. 08152-699654.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Student brings teen 10,000 miles for new leg

A chance conversation has transformed a teenager’s life – thanks to the kindness of a student 10,000 miles away.
Kelemete Raivuni, 17, was born in Fiji with only one fully-formed leg. But when Lisa Buckley, from Salford University, was told by her dad about the boy he met while working for the British High Commission on the island, she vowed to help.
Lisa, a prosthetics and orthotics student, and her dad Roy Zaman set about raising the £4,000 needed to fly Kelemete to Britain and pay for a new limb.
Lisa, a mum-of-three from Chadderton, said: “I never thought this would be possible when I first came up with the idea. Kelemete's a lovely kid and very humble. He is so grateful and we thrilled to bits we could help. This is the reason I went back to university.”
Kelemete said: “It has been really hard growing up surrounded by children who could use both their legs without problems and I just had crutches to get around. My wooden false limb was heavy and restricted what I can do. I have to fix it myself with tape, glue and string.
“My new limb will make my life so much better and easier. I am very lucky." The trip was paid for by Rotary Club Suva North Fiji and the Rotary Club of Chadderton and Failsworth.
Kelemete has been staying with Tony Wright, secretary of the Rotary Club Chadderton and Failsworth.
Dr Glyn Heath, director of prosthetics and orthotics in health care professions at Salford, said he was thrilled to be involved in helping Kelemete.
“Kelemete's artificial limb was functional, but very primitive, ill-fitting, totally beyond repair and incredibly heavy.
“This will make his mobility so much easier and give him a new level of confidence.
Kelemete Raivuni, 17, was born in Fiji with only one fully-formed leg. But when Lisa Buckley, from Salford University, was told by her dad about the boy he met while working for the British High Commission on the island, she vowed to help.
Lisa, a prosthetics and orthotics student, and her dad Roy Zaman set about raising the £4,000 needed to fly Kelemete to Britain and pay for a new limb.
Lisa, a mum-of-three from Chadderton, said: “I never thought this would be possible when I first came up with the idea. Kelemete's a lovely kid and very humble. He is so grateful and we thrilled to bits we could help. This is the reason I went back to university.”
Kelemete said: “It has been really hard growing up surrounded by children who could use both their legs without problems and I just had crutches to get around. My wooden false limb was heavy and restricted what I can do. I have to fix it myself with tape, glue and string.
“My new limb will make my life so much better and easier. I am very lucky." The trip was paid for by Rotary Club Suva North Fiji and the Rotary Club of Chadderton and Failsworth.
Kelemete has been staying with Tony Wright, secretary of the Rotary Club Chadderton and Failsworth.
Dr Glyn Heath, director of prosthetics and orthotics in health care professions at Salford, said he was thrilled to be involved in helping Kelemete.
“Kelemete's artificial limb was functional, but very primitive, ill-fitting, totally beyond repair and incredibly heavy.
“This will make his mobility so much easier and give him a new level of confidence.
Mission to Malawi: City humanitarians plan boost for false limb centre
May 27 2010 By Ben Spencer
A CENTRE providing false limbs and support equipment in Malawi is to be expanded - thanks to the people of Glasgow.
Lord Provost Bob Winter joined former Scotswoman of the Year Olivia Giles yesterday to publicise the return of a humanitarian aid team to Malawi.
The prosthetics and orthotics centre was founded in the capital Lilongwe last year by Olivia and her 500 Miles Charity, with the help of the Lord Provost and City Building.
Under the auspices of the Lord Provost's Malawi Fund, 13 men and three women will fly out to work on medical and educational projects in September.
Olivia added: "Without this support, I would still be trying to get the clinic off the ground."
One objective of the 10-day trip is to build a bigger prosthetics and orthotics centre. Demand for t reatment has grown steeply and the clinic helps about 40 patients per month.
The country has about 60,000 people who need their services.
The building work, using a timber kit made by Royal Strathclyde Blindcraft Industries, will provide much-needed space for orthopaedic technicians.
It will also allow 500 Miles to accommodate people who need somewhere to stay in Lilongwe while their devices are being fitted - a process that often takes a week.
Employees of Glasgow City Council, Access LLP and City Building will be on the team.
During the visit, the team will also install computer equipment in hospitals, schools and libraries, as well as monitoring earlier IT installations.
Mr Winter added: "We and our partners are proud to be part of something so life-changing and practical and its success is proof of the benefits of partnership."
A CENTRE providing false limbs and support equipment in Malawi is to be expanded - thanks to the people of Glasgow.
Lord Provost Bob Winter joined former Scotswoman of the Year Olivia Giles yesterday to publicise the return of a humanitarian aid team to Malawi.
The prosthetics and orthotics centre was founded in the capital Lilongwe last year by Olivia and her 500 Miles Charity, with the help of the Lord Provost and City Building.
Under the auspices of the Lord Provost's Malawi Fund, 13 men and three women will fly out to work on medical and educational projects in September.
Olivia added: "Without this support, I would still be trying to get the clinic off the ground."
One objective of the 10-day trip is to build a bigger prosthetics and orthotics centre. Demand for t reatment has grown steeply and the clinic helps about 40 patients per month.
The country has about 60,000 people who need their services.
The building work, using a timber kit made by Royal Strathclyde Blindcraft Industries, will provide much-needed space for orthopaedic technicians.
It will also allow 500 Miles to accommodate people who need somewhere to stay in Lilongwe while their devices are being fitted - a process that often takes a week.
Employees of Glasgow City Council, Access LLP and City Building will be on the team.
During the visit, the team will also install computer equipment in hospitals, schools and libraries, as well as monitoring earlier IT installations.
Mr Winter added: "We and our partners are proud to be part of something so life-changing and practical and its success is proof of the benefits of partnership."
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
MSOE students design contraption to help Milwaukee student play trumpet
WITI-TV, MILWAUKEE - A young Milwaukee boy is getting a new opportunity to play the trumpet thanks to the work of a couple of students from Milwaukee School of Engineering.Ethiel Vega has a condition known as ortho repulsis. It's forced him to live without the use of his hands. It's also kept him from learning to play the trumpet.But MSOE students Dan Harder and Jafal Al-Galamed designed a device that allows Vega to use his arms and his leg to play the horn.Manitoba Music Specialist Donna Dudenhoefer put Vega in contact with the students because she say his desire and determination to play.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Please take the Lower Limb Prosthesis Survey
LOWER LIMB PROSTHESIS SURVEY: Quality Outcomes is sponsoring a survey for wearers of lower limb prostheses. The anonymous data collected in this survey will help set benchmarks for quality of service and will benefit the O&P profession. Please click here to take the survey.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
PossAbilities is a community outreach program developed by the Loma Linda University Medical Center East Campus (LLUMCEC). Its goal is to offer disabled individuals who were born with or have suffered a permanent physical injury a sense of community and provide activities and practical help to integrate them back into life-once again becoming valuable members of our communities. LLUMCEC recognizes that this disenfranchised population is often left without resources or support to deal with the many adjustments they must make physically, mentally, and emotionally in order to have fulfilling lives. Our mission is to provide new direction and hope through physical, social, educational, and spiritual interaction with peers and their community. This free membership program is tailored to persons with physical disabilities such as limb amputation, stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and others.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Young triathlete to receive a new prosthetic leg

My column about Andrew Hastings caused quite a bit of response. In fact, when I got home to all the messages, I felt good that I told Andrew's story. He touched my heart, and it seems that he has touched the hearts of many others. I admit that I hoped for a way to help Andrew get the shoes and the bike work that he needed for the Buck Hurley Triathlon. But the bigger issue is his prosthetic leg that is too short and needs a quick replacement.
see link for article .......
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Amputee Coalition of America's annual Youth Camp
AmputeeCoalition — October 19, 2009 — Campers from all over America gathered in Clarksville, OH for the Amputee Coalition of America's annual Youth Camp. See highlights from their camping experience and meet some of the campers.
The Amputee Coalition of America’s Paddy Rossbach Youth Camp Program
The Amputee Coalition of America’s Paddy Rossbach Youth Camp Program
Monday, April 05, 2010
Thursday, April 01, 2010
A Life Reclaimed is about my niece, Sheila May Advento, a courageous young woman and a quadruple amputee.

I have always loved writing, i.e., in English as opposed to my native language, Tagalog. When I was in my teens, I used to pour my apprehensions and anxieties into poems and essays which helped sustain me through those troubled years. Decades after, a family tragedy happened which inspired me to write again. My first book, A Life Reclaimed, was published in September 2009!
------ Cynthia Angeles
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
YouTube - Paralymic Sport TVUSA's Channel
Stay on top of all the action at the 2010 Paralymics on
YouTube - Paralymic Sport TVUSA's Channel
YouTube - Paralymic Sport TVUSA's Channel
Monday, March 15, 2010
Prosthetic arm thrills woman
Claudia Voican listened to an explanation about her new prosthetic arm at Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics in Spokane on March 1. She was being fitted for a prosthetic arm before she returns home to Romania. Voican was born with a blow-elbow congenital limb deficiency and has been living with only a left arm, until recently. Dr. James Said, an area doctor, met Voican at an orphanage and sponsored her trip to the United States to receive the prosthetic arm.
Monday, March 08, 2010
From Things Made Easy March 05, 2010
Review the needs of any one type of disability group of Hong Kong. To what extent they could be integrated into the community and treated in equal opportunity.
The term amputee refers to an individual who have lost a limb or part of a limb. Your limbs are your arms and legs. Losing a limb or part of a limb may result from illness such as diabetes, cancer and vascular diseases, injury or accidents. If a limb or part of a limb threatens the health and life of the individual, amputation or surgical removal will be the resort. The common problem in amputation is the excessive pain on the missing limb. Other problems that could possibly occur include grief, surgical complications and skin problems if the patient wears an artificial limb. Many amputees wear artificial limbs though it takes time to learn. To help the patient adjust and adapt, physical therapies are suggested for the patient to undergo.
The Prosthetic and Orthotic Unit of the Kowloon Rehabilitation Centre, the first and largest rehabilitation centre in Hong Kong, conducted a 24-year retrospective study of amputees. The research conducted found out that the rising trend in amputee population Hong Kong was related to the population growth. The ratio of lower limb to upper limb amputees was 1.83 to 1. The commonest cause of upper limb amputation was trauma (89%) and of lower limb amputation was infection (35%). They also found out that the mean age of amputees in Hong Kong is 39 and that vascular diseases were not as common in Chinese as in Caucasian communities (Chan et al, 1984).
A separate research conducted by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Hong Kong found out that the orthopaedic care of an amputated patient does not stop after surgery. It is also comprised of integrating the patient back in society. There are several social problems that the patients could encounter which includes activities of daily living, ambulation, housing, employment, marriage and changes in their families. In helping them with their rehabilitation, the study also discovered the importance of the role of doctors, prosthetic services, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and the medical social workers (Chow 1982).
Base on these two studies, there is a clear manifestation of the needs of the amputee community in Hong Kong. More than the physical rehabilitation or the process of putting backs the lives of the patients into normalcy, there are other needs of the amputees as social, moral, spiritual, psychological, cognitive and others. Attention must be also given to sports, entertainment, amusements, education, employment and other areas of the same weight. Put simply, there is a general need for amputees to be integrated back into the community and be treated as equals.
Integration to the Community
The psychosocial domain of amputated individuals explains the relative time needed prior to reasonable experiences of medical and rehabilitative objectives. There are associated emotional and adaptational challenges to this following limb loss. Community reintegration is central to amputee rehabilitation. In particular, it includes the resumption of family roles and community activities, emotional equilibrium, healthy coping strategies and recreational activities (Meier and Atkins 2004, p. 79). The main purpose of community integration for amputee patients is the mobilisation and leisure activities outside the clinic setting allowing them to have fun at the same time as others.
Experiences of strong emotions that include horror, numbness, rage and suicidal tendencies are addressed by these immediate community reintegration programs. The amputees obviously need psychological and mental assistance, health assistance in general. Toward recovery, there must be immediate and competent medical care, appropriate mobility equipment and adequate rehabilitation programs. There is an evident need of experienced service providers including prosthetists, physical therapists, psychiatrists and physicians as well. The impact of amputee survivors’ physical functioning, in lieu with this, facilitates an effective social and economic integration.
Coping strategies needed must also comprise of psychological factors to help amputee patients to adjust to their new roles to the society in general. For many amputee patients, religious or spiritual beliefs contribute to finding meaning in their conditions and acceptance. Amputees are constantly reminded of their spirituality. Being spiritual means searching for meaning and purpose in your day-to-day life, connecting with others and moving beyond self-absorption. The social integration and sense of community and the support that the religious community offers enhances the effects of spiritual living hence, enhance the sense of connectedness of amputees in the society with which they function as individual members (Laux and Block 2006, pp. 54-55).
Base on this, there is a need for the patients to converge in recreational activities that could provide them the confidence they once had. These activities could be emotional therapy that includes stress management, activities on expressing oneself like drawing, painting, music and others. Aside from this, there are other needs as occupational needs for the amputees. These are basic personal hygiene, dressing, feeding, toileting and other complex tasks as writing, cooking manipulating objects and driving. On a broader sense, there is a wide need for amputees to be educated, if not in traditional way, through vocational trainings. This could bring them the moral encouragement to go on with life despite their abnormal conditions.
The amputees’ human interactions also gave them value towards their perception on reality in a social setting. When the family is unavailable, often patients find support from their peers. Interaction with other amputee patients empowers them to persevere, believe in their capabilities and enable them to think that they can take care of themselves physically or otherwise. The strong and supportive environment provides comfort and motivation in the post-amputation period.
Base on this premise, there is a need for effective and functional rehabilitation centers and amputee-friendly establishments that the amputees can go together to. This increases their chance to reintegrate themselves individually in the community. Through this, the patients could also have an outlet to express their anxieties and overcome depression without jeopardising the lives of other family members who have independent lives and individual concerns to take care of.
Equal Opportunities
Discrimination and rejection have direct impact on the ability of the amputees to reintegrate socially and economically and hence, impact their psychological being as well. Societal barriers play significant role in preventing amputees from feeling valued and belongingness both as a functional member of family and community. The chance of isolation is high in terms of accessing equal opportunities. Societal attitudes toward persons with bodily defects are the main sources to account for such feeling.
The sentiments of equal opportunity for amputees should be expressed in terms of several aspects. First, on prosthetics and orthotics, amputees must be given equal opportunities on the services regardless of their social status and financial capabilities. Benefits of using prostheses and orthoses are immense in making the life of the patients less miserable. Opportunity must be also provided in terms of information on the use and the adaptation of the new device, the further impact of impairments and arranging maintenance and repairs to prostheses and orthoses (WHO 2003).
Second, on car and motoring adaptations, amputees must be given equal opportunities to get license and permits and allow them to modify their vehicles. Driving is an important mean of independence for amputees. Without relying on to others, they could carry-out tasks and take part in social activities. Essential information that drives equality purports special devices that the vehicles require, special driver training, obtaining and renewing driver’s license and limited restrictions on license (National Amputee Centre 2008).
Third, on caring/nursing services, amputees must be given equal opportunities on professional health care services and be provided with necessary welfare. The carers and the nurses as well as the charities must serve as support mechanisms for the amputee patients. This includes the pre-operative to post-operative education to providing them informations about independent organisations that could assist them financially and emotionally that are locally connected to the hospital or clinic.
Fourth, on employment and benefits, amputees must be given equal opportunities regarding the working hours that directly affects remunerations. The reduction of work hours gives rise to poor economic returns to the employer and so the employer would choose to lay-off the patients. This has direct impact on financial benefits in terms of pension and insurance. Further, the amputee would find difficulty finding a new job (Delasau).
Fifth, on legal services, amputees must be given equal opportunities in areas of advocacy and representation before the law. The cause of amputation must pass through an extensive examination so that the family of the victim could possibly locate the person responsible in case of intentional misconducts so that the rehabilitation and maintenance cost and other needs of the patient would be settled.
Sixth, on sports and recreation, amputees must be given equal opportunities to participate regardless of the racial, political and national background. The main concern is the access to participate in these areas; safety is another. Entry to sports and recreation is a real challenge for amputees. Giving amputees equal opportunities mean to provide them an active lifestyle through plenty of choices wherein they can demonstrate their strengths and creativity that, in effect, enable them to gain spirit of team working and sense of self-expression.
Amputees 2008, MedlinePlus, Retrieved on 16 January 2008 from
Chan, K M, Cheung, D, Sher, A, Leung, P C Fu, K T & Lee, J 1984, A 24-year survey of amputees in Hong Kong, Prosthetics and Orthotic International, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 155-158.
Chow, S P 1982, Social Problems of Lower Limb Amputees in Hong Kong – An Exploratory Study, Bulletin of the Hong Kong Medical Association, The, vol. 34, pp. 81-85.
Delasau, I The Impact of Amputation on Diabetic Patient in Fiji, Otago Diabetes Research Trust.
Laux, M & Block, M 2006, User’s Guide to the Top 10 Natural Therapies: Your Introductory Guide, Basic Health Publications, Inc.
National Amputee Centre 2008, License to Drive, retrieved on 16 January 2008 from
Meier, R H & Atkins, D J 2004, Functional Restoration of Adults and Children with Upper Extremity Amputation, Demos Medical Publishing, LLC.
World Health Organization 2003, The Relationship Between Prosthetics and Orthotics Services and Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR), International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics.
The term amputee refers to an individual who have lost a limb or part of a limb. Your limbs are your arms and legs. Losing a limb or part of a limb may result from illness such as diabetes, cancer and vascular diseases, injury or accidents. If a limb or part of a limb threatens the health and life of the individual, amputation or surgical removal will be the resort. The common problem in amputation is the excessive pain on the missing limb. Other problems that could possibly occur include grief, surgical complications and skin problems if the patient wears an artificial limb. Many amputees wear artificial limbs though it takes time to learn. To help the patient adjust and adapt, physical therapies are suggested for the patient to undergo.
The Prosthetic and Orthotic Unit of the Kowloon Rehabilitation Centre, the first and largest rehabilitation centre in Hong Kong, conducted a 24-year retrospective study of amputees. The research conducted found out that the rising trend in amputee population Hong Kong was related to the population growth. The ratio of lower limb to upper limb amputees was 1.83 to 1. The commonest cause of upper limb amputation was trauma (89%) and of lower limb amputation was infection (35%). They also found out that the mean age of amputees in Hong Kong is 39 and that vascular diseases were not as common in Chinese as in Caucasian communities (Chan et al, 1984).
A separate research conducted by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Hong Kong found out that the orthopaedic care of an amputated patient does not stop after surgery. It is also comprised of integrating the patient back in society. There are several social problems that the patients could encounter which includes activities of daily living, ambulation, housing, employment, marriage and changes in their families. In helping them with their rehabilitation, the study also discovered the importance of the role of doctors, prosthetic services, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and the medical social workers (Chow 1982).
Base on these two studies, there is a clear manifestation of the needs of the amputee community in Hong Kong. More than the physical rehabilitation or the process of putting backs the lives of the patients into normalcy, there are other needs of the amputees as social, moral, spiritual, psychological, cognitive and others. Attention must be also given to sports, entertainment, amusements, education, employment and other areas of the same weight. Put simply, there is a general need for amputees to be integrated back into the community and be treated as equals.
Integration to the Community
The psychosocial domain of amputated individuals explains the relative time needed prior to reasonable experiences of medical and rehabilitative objectives. There are associated emotional and adaptational challenges to this following limb loss. Community reintegration is central to amputee rehabilitation. In particular, it includes the resumption of family roles and community activities, emotional equilibrium, healthy coping strategies and recreational activities (Meier and Atkins 2004, p. 79). The main purpose of community integration for amputee patients is the mobilisation and leisure activities outside the clinic setting allowing them to have fun at the same time as others.
Experiences of strong emotions that include horror, numbness, rage and suicidal tendencies are addressed by these immediate community reintegration programs. The amputees obviously need psychological and mental assistance, health assistance in general. Toward recovery, there must be immediate and competent medical care, appropriate mobility equipment and adequate rehabilitation programs. There is an evident need of experienced service providers including prosthetists, physical therapists, psychiatrists and physicians as well. The impact of amputee survivors’ physical functioning, in lieu with this, facilitates an effective social and economic integration.
Coping strategies needed must also comprise of psychological factors to help amputee patients to adjust to their new roles to the society in general. For many amputee patients, religious or spiritual beliefs contribute to finding meaning in their conditions and acceptance. Amputees are constantly reminded of their spirituality. Being spiritual means searching for meaning and purpose in your day-to-day life, connecting with others and moving beyond self-absorption. The social integration and sense of community and the support that the religious community offers enhances the effects of spiritual living hence, enhance the sense of connectedness of amputees in the society with which they function as individual members (Laux and Block 2006, pp. 54-55).
Base on this, there is a need for the patients to converge in recreational activities that could provide them the confidence they once had. These activities could be emotional therapy that includes stress management, activities on expressing oneself like drawing, painting, music and others. Aside from this, there are other needs as occupational needs for the amputees. These are basic personal hygiene, dressing, feeding, toileting and other complex tasks as writing, cooking manipulating objects and driving. On a broader sense, there is a wide need for amputees to be educated, if not in traditional way, through vocational trainings. This could bring them the moral encouragement to go on with life despite their abnormal conditions.
The amputees’ human interactions also gave them value towards their perception on reality in a social setting. When the family is unavailable, often patients find support from their peers. Interaction with other amputee patients empowers them to persevere, believe in their capabilities and enable them to think that they can take care of themselves physically or otherwise. The strong and supportive environment provides comfort and motivation in the post-amputation period.
Base on this premise, there is a need for effective and functional rehabilitation centers and amputee-friendly establishments that the amputees can go together to. This increases their chance to reintegrate themselves individually in the community. Through this, the patients could also have an outlet to express their anxieties and overcome depression without jeopardising the lives of other family members who have independent lives and individual concerns to take care of.
Equal Opportunities
Discrimination and rejection have direct impact on the ability of the amputees to reintegrate socially and economically and hence, impact their psychological being as well. Societal barriers play significant role in preventing amputees from feeling valued and belongingness both as a functional member of family and community. The chance of isolation is high in terms of accessing equal opportunities. Societal attitudes toward persons with bodily defects are the main sources to account for such feeling.
The sentiments of equal opportunity for amputees should be expressed in terms of several aspects. First, on prosthetics and orthotics, amputees must be given equal opportunities on the services regardless of their social status and financial capabilities. Benefits of using prostheses and orthoses are immense in making the life of the patients less miserable. Opportunity must be also provided in terms of information on the use and the adaptation of the new device, the further impact of impairments and arranging maintenance and repairs to prostheses and orthoses (WHO 2003).
Second, on car and motoring adaptations, amputees must be given equal opportunities to get license and permits and allow them to modify their vehicles. Driving is an important mean of independence for amputees. Without relying on to others, they could carry-out tasks and take part in social activities. Essential information that drives equality purports special devices that the vehicles require, special driver training, obtaining and renewing driver’s license and limited restrictions on license (National Amputee Centre 2008).
Third, on caring/nursing services, amputees must be given equal opportunities on professional health care services and be provided with necessary welfare. The carers and the nurses as well as the charities must serve as support mechanisms for the amputee patients. This includes the pre-operative to post-operative education to providing them informations about independent organisations that could assist them financially and emotionally that are locally connected to the hospital or clinic.
Fourth, on employment and benefits, amputees must be given equal opportunities regarding the working hours that directly affects remunerations. The reduction of work hours gives rise to poor economic returns to the employer and so the employer would choose to lay-off the patients. This has direct impact on financial benefits in terms of pension and insurance. Further, the amputee would find difficulty finding a new job (Delasau).
Fifth, on legal services, amputees must be given equal opportunities in areas of advocacy and representation before the law. The cause of amputation must pass through an extensive examination so that the family of the victim could possibly locate the person responsible in case of intentional misconducts so that the rehabilitation and maintenance cost and other needs of the patient would be settled.
Sixth, on sports and recreation, amputees must be given equal opportunities to participate regardless of the racial, political and national background. The main concern is the access to participate in these areas; safety is another. Entry to sports and recreation is a real challenge for amputees. Giving amputees equal opportunities mean to provide them an active lifestyle through plenty of choices wherein they can demonstrate their strengths and creativity that, in effect, enable them to gain spirit of team working and sense of self-expression.
Amputees 2008, MedlinePlus, Retrieved on 16 January 2008 from
Chan, K M, Cheung, D, Sher, A, Leung, P C Fu, K T & Lee, J 1984, A 24-year survey of amputees in Hong Kong, Prosthetics and Orthotic International, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 155-158.
Chow, S P 1982, Social Problems of Lower Limb Amputees in Hong Kong – An Exploratory Study, Bulletin of the Hong Kong Medical Association, The, vol. 34, pp. 81-85.
Delasau, I The Impact of Amputation on Diabetic Patient in Fiji, Otago Diabetes Research Trust.
Laux, M & Block, M 2006, User’s Guide to the Top 10 Natural Therapies: Your Introductory Guide, Basic Health Publications, Inc.
National Amputee Centre 2008, License to Drive, retrieved on 16 January 2008 from
Meier, R H & Atkins, D J 2004, Functional Restoration of Adults and Children with Upper Extremity Amputation, Demos Medical Publishing, LLC.
World Health Organization 2003, The Relationship Between Prosthetics and Orthotics Services and Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR), International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics.
Worlds Faster Amputee
April Holmes holds sprinting records and is one of the country's premiere athletes. She just so happens to be an amputee who lost her leg in a train accident. Hattie Kauffman reports.
See the story on YouTube via CBS February 12, 2009
See the story on YouTube via CBS February 12, 2009
Friday, March 05, 2010
Amputee Empowerment Partners
Amputee Empowerment Partners community is a free resource for individuals to connect and discuss a variety of topics related to the life of amputees.
Please stop by this very nice support groups web site, you will enjoy.
James M. Wilson Sr. CO RPA
Please stop by this very nice support groups web site, you will enjoy.
James M. Wilson Sr. CO RPA
Thursday, March 04, 2010
World Health Organization

Improving road safety3 March 2010 -- Over 3000 people die on the world's roads every day. Tens of millions of people are injured or disabled every year. Children, pedestrians, cyclists and the elderly are among the most vulnerable of road users. WHO welcomes the UN General Assembly's effort to reverse this trend by launching the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020.Read the note on road safety Read more on road traffic injuries
Enhancing the rights of adolescent girls3 March 2010 -- Millions of adolescent girls live in poverty, are burdened by gender discrimination, inequality, subjected to violence, abuse and exploitation. To improve this situation, WHO along with five other UN agencies, have signed a joint statement committing to work on five priorities areas.Read the UN joint statement on the rights of adolescent girls Read more on adolescent health
The International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics
The International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) was founded as a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) in 1970, in Copenhagen, Denmark. ISPO contributes throughout the world in all aspects of science and practices associated with the provision of prosthetic and orthotic care, rehabilitation engineering and related areas such as wheeled mobility.
ISPO works worldwide to enhance the quality of life for people with physical disabilities who require improvements in mobility or independence, by:
Promoting clinically relevant research and evidence based practice
Facilitating development of innovative and appropriate technologies
Conducting high quality continuing education programmes
Developing international guidelines for the education of prosthetists and orthotists
Publishing peer reviewed information in journal, text, and electronic formats
Fostering cooperation and exchange of ideas worldwide
ISPO is an international multidisciplinary organization that effectively promotes the provision of quality services, innovative technology, clinically relevant research, and education in the field of rehabilitation for persons with physical disabilities. Through its growing membership and National Member Societies (NMS), ISPO addresses the needs of both industrial and less resourced regions, advocating for best practices to governments and non-governmental organizations and advising on key relevant issues.
The ISPO is committed to facilitate and enhance the educational efforts of all health care disciplines involved in prosthetics and orthotics throughout the world.
The Society has detailed appropriate education and training guidelines for the full professional prosthetist/orthotist (Category I) and for the orthopedic technologist (Category II). The philosophy and curricula are widely accepted by most of the international governmental and non-governmental agencies in this field.
ISPO compiles and reviews standards throughout the world, governing the practice of the professions concerned with prosthetic and orthotic care, rehabilitation engineering, and other related areas. Information exchange and dissemination is achieved through world congresses, instructional courses, workshops, conferences, educational symposia, publications, website, and audiovisual media. Furthermore ISPO provides consultation and expertise to these areas where there is an identified need for development. Upon request, ISPO evaluates P&O programmes throughout the world for ISPO Category I and II recognition. The evaluation includes students’ entry requirements, teaching content, clinical training, quality and administrative procedures.
The International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) was founded as a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) in 1970, in Copenhagen, Denmark. ISPO contributes throughout the world in all aspects of science and practices associated with the provision of prosthetic and orthotic care, rehabilitation engineering and related areas such as wheeled mobility.
ISPO works worldwide to enhance the quality of life for people with physical disabilities who require improvements in mobility or independence, by:
Promoting clinically relevant research and evidence based practice
Facilitating development of innovative and appropriate technologies
Conducting high quality continuing education programmes
Developing international guidelines for the education of prosthetists and orthotists
Publishing peer reviewed information in journal, text, and electronic formats
Fostering cooperation and exchange of ideas worldwide
ISPO is an international multidisciplinary organization that effectively promotes the provision of quality services, innovative technology, clinically relevant research, and education in the field of rehabilitation for persons with physical disabilities. Through its growing membership and National Member Societies (NMS), ISPO addresses the needs of both industrial and less resourced regions, advocating for best practices to governments and non-governmental organizations and advising on key relevant issues.
The ISPO is committed to facilitate and enhance the educational efforts of all health care disciplines involved in prosthetics and orthotics throughout the world.
The Society has detailed appropriate education and training guidelines for the full professional prosthetist/orthotist (Category I) and for the orthopedic technologist (Category II). The philosophy and curricula are widely accepted by most of the international governmental and non-governmental agencies in this field.
ISPO compiles and reviews standards throughout the world, governing the practice of the professions concerned with prosthetic and orthotic care, rehabilitation engineering, and other related areas. Information exchange and dissemination is achieved through world congresses, instructional courses, workshops, conferences, educational symposia, publications, website, and audiovisual media. Furthermore ISPO provides consultation and expertise to these areas where there is an identified need for development. Upon request, ISPO evaluates P&O programmes throughout the world for ISPO Category I and II recognition. The evaluation includes students’ entry requirements, teaching content, clinical training, quality and administrative procedures.
The International Society of Biomechanics
The International Society of Biomechanics promotes the study of the biomechanics of movement with special emphasis on human beings; encouraging international contacts among scientists in this field, promoting knowledge of biomechanics on an international level, and cooperating with related organizations.
International Committee of the Red Cross

International Committee of the Red Cross
The missionThe International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance.
The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.
Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the Geneva Conventions and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It directs and coordinates the international activities conducted by the Movement in armed conflicts and other situations of violence.
The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.
Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the Geneva Conventions and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It directs and coordinates the international activities conducted by the Movement in armed conflicts and other situations of violence.
COPE - National Rehabilitation Center
During the Vietnam War, the conflict spilled over into Laos in a secret war leaving it one of the most heavily bombed countries in history. Many of these bombs and other devices did not explode at the time. So, even though the war ended in 1975, the country is still littered with a significant amount of UXO's (unexploded ordnance) which also contributes to poverty, hunger and disability on a daily basis.
Lower Extremity Ulcers of the Legs, Ankles, and Feet
Weight Loss Makers has posted an article on Lower Extremity Ulcers of the legs, ankles and feet.
Please visit link to read article.
Please visit link to read article.
The Shoe Bank

My answer was The Shoe Bank; it is a great service they provide. Here is their link and mission.
The Shoe Bank
The Shoe Bank had just one goal when it was founded in 1989 – to put comfortable shoes on a few hundred homeless men living on the streets in downtown Dallas. The program today provides shoes for twenty thousand people every year – primarily children, both here and abroad.
Here's how it works. Good used children's shoes, men's and women's athletic shoes, and men's dress shoes can be donated at schools, athletic facilities, and retail stores displaying Shoe Bank depositories. The shoes are carefully inspected and then delivered to local social service agencies for distribution.
Every year, thousands of children in countries around the world receive shoes only because kids from the Dallas area take advantage of an opportunity to give through the Shoe Bank. Our children help make an important relief effort possible – and we fulfill an equally important mission by teaching them to care for those less fortunate.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Petition to Televise the Paralympics Gains Steam
Association News
February 15, 2010
Kevin Hosea, a 25-year-old, two-time Paralympic trials participant living with spina bifida is trying to find a way to get the 2010 Paralympic Games televised in the United States — a feat that has never before been accomplished.
Through a petition on, Hosea has so far collected 3,257 signatures to send onto the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) before the Paralympic Games begin.
“The Paralympic Games are an international level sporting event that was created to parallel the Olympic Games and let people with physical disability showcase their athletic abilities,” the petition reads. “Not only are the Paralympics just as competitive as the Olympics but they would also be very educational for the general public because people would see just how much people with physical disabilities can achieve despite their disabilities.”
It’s a cause Hosea is passionate about and not just because he is a two-time Paralympic trials participant in swimming and track, but also because he has friends who share that passion and will compete at the Games.
“I know tons of people who have been to the Paralympics … I have a lot invested,” he told O&P Business News. “My life has pretty much been sports so the fact that the sports that I’ve [participated in] are not getting anywhere near equal coverage is kind of annoying to me.”
Hosea started the petition at the end of January and during the first few days it only received about 300 signatures. With the help of Facebook, it caught steam.
“It’s amazing how much it grew in one day,” he said. “I’m probably going to keep it open for another week or so. But then I need to close it off so I can send it off to USOC.”
Here is the petitiion :
February 15, 2010
Kevin Hosea, a 25-year-old, two-time Paralympic trials participant living with spina bifida is trying to find a way to get the 2010 Paralympic Games televised in the United States — a feat that has never before been accomplished.
Through a petition on, Hosea has so far collected 3,257 signatures to send onto the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) before the Paralympic Games begin.
“The Paralympic Games are an international level sporting event that was created to parallel the Olympic Games and let people with physical disability showcase their athletic abilities,” the petition reads. “Not only are the Paralympics just as competitive as the Olympics but they would also be very educational for the general public because people would see just how much people with physical disabilities can achieve despite their disabilities.”
It’s a cause Hosea is passionate about and not just because he is a two-time Paralympic trials participant in swimming and track, but also because he has friends who share that passion and will compete at the Games.
“I know tons of people who have been to the Paralympics … I have a lot invested,” he told O&P Business News. “My life has pretty much been sports so the fact that the sports that I’ve [participated in] are not getting anywhere near equal coverage is kind of annoying to me.”
Hosea started the petition at the end of January and during the first few days it only received about 300 signatures. With the help of Facebook, it caught steam.
“It’s amazing how much it grew in one day,” he said. “I’m probably going to keep it open for another week or so. But then I need to close it off so I can send it off to USOC.”
Here is the petitiion :
Thursday, February 25, 2010
'I had to learn to run again'

Special to
Published: February 23, 2010
Goal: My goal at first was simple: Walk more than two steps without pain. Once I was able to reach that goal, I set my sights on walking a 5K, which I did in 2009. I have to raise the bar again, so my new goal is to run the 5K at today's Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic
Click on link for the whole story ---
Help for Haitians - by Zain Shauk

A local specialist is hoping to help a growing number of Haitian amputees by sending prostheses to the nation, which was devastated by a magnitude-7.0 earthquake last month.
Spencer Doty, president of New Mexico-based Active Life, which was founded in Glendale, was spurred on by reports about Haitian amputees.
Doty’s collection efforts will end Friday as he hopes to send a shipment of used prosthetics equipment to the shaken nation, he said.
Check out link for the whole story ----
57 Ways To Cure A Headache

With tax time starting all over, the economy, and personal problems piling up, it isn’t unusual to feel a headache coming on. With everyone from your mother to that know-it-all coworker telling you what to do, how do you know what’s right for you?
With the help of these 57 ways to cure a headache, you can learn more about dozens of ways to help your problem before trying them out. With several entries in categories ranging from traditional to alternative, you are likely to find several ways to cure a headache.
Click on link for the 57 ways to cure a headache
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Healing Hands for Haiti International
Healing Hands for Haiti International
It has been more than two weeks since the devastating magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti and our medical, rehabilitation and prosthetic fabrication facilities in Port-au-Prince. We are very relieved to report that all of our 45 local staff have been accounted for, although many lost family members and most lost their homes. Healing Hands for Haiti International has established an emergency relief fund to support them. It has been confirmed that our facilities are 80% destroyed or damaged. Only the guesthouse, which needs structural repairs, remains as a hopeful starting point for a temporary headquarters. Our plans to build Haiti’s first Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Institute have been accelerated.
The Handicap International emergency response team which includes members of Healing Hands for Haiti International and Team Canada Healing Hands, arrived within the first week and has since worked tirelessly with that organization assessing and treating victims at hospitals throughout the city, even transporting spinal chord injured to hospitals in the US. Several of our Haitian Board members who are orthopaedic surgeons operate continuously from their hospitals. Our organization is integrating with a larger consortium to provide acute rehabilitation facilities and services at the major hospital initiative near the airport.
By the end of week two, we had landed a second group of 12 senior Healing Hands for Haiti medical volunteers in Port-au-Prince. They are part of a group of 130 medical and construction personnel and a plane load of equipment, organized and donated by the Salt Lake City Utah Hospital Task Force. A make-shift clinic with power and water was immediately set up on our property and opened to the public the next day. Our team will continue to expand the staffing and services of this clinic while the main group help clean up, ensure site safety and start guesthouse repairs.
Your generous donations, offers to volunteer and to give materials towards the herculean rebuilding task mirror the response of the global community - absolutely overwhelming. On behalf of Haitians and our hard working staff and volunteers, we sincerely thank you for your continued support.
Click here for more images.
For more information or to arrange an interview:
Eric Doubt, Executive Director/ Directeur général
USA Tel: 801.349.2865 Can. Tel: 905.702.9964
It has been more than two weeks since the devastating magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti and our medical, rehabilitation and prosthetic fabrication facilities in Port-au-Prince. We are very relieved to report that all of our 45 local staff have been accounted for, although many lost family members and most lost their homes. Healing Hands for Haiti International has established an emergency relief fund to support them. It has been confirmed that our facilities are 80% destroyed or damaged. Only the guesthouse, which needs structural repairs, remains as a hopeful starting point for a temporary headquarters. Our plans to build Haiti’s first Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Institute have been accelerated.
The Handicap International emergency response team which includes members of Healing Hands for Haiti International and Team Canada Healing Hands, arrived within the first week and has since worked tirelessly with that organization assessing and treating victims at hospitals throughout the city, even transporting spinal chord injured to hospitals in the US. Several of our Haitian Board members who are orthopaedic surgeons operate continuously from their hospitals. Our organization is integrating with a larger consortium to provide acute rehabilitation facilities and services at the major hospital initiative near the airport.
By the end of week two, we had landed a second group of 12 senior Healing Hands for Haiti medical volunteers in Port-au-Prince. They are part of a group of 130 medical and construction personnel and a plane load of equipment, organized and donated by the Salt Lake City Utah Hospital Task Force. A make-shift clinic with power and water was immediately set up on our property and opened to the public the next day. Our team will continue to expand the staffing and services of this clinic while the main group help clean up, ensure site safety and start guesthouse repairs.
Your generous donations, offers to volunteer and to give materials towards the herculean rebuilding task mirror the response of the global community - absolutely overwhelming. On behalf of Haitians and our hard working staff and volunteers, we sincerely thank you for your continued support.
Click here for more images.
For more information or to arrange an interview:
Eric Doubt, Executive Director/ Directeur général
USA Tel: 801.349.2865 Can. Tel: 905.702.9964
Haitians Need Prosthetics
Monday, February 8, 2010
By Chris Meagher (Contact)
Outside St. Damien’s Children Hospital, an older man was struggling to push a woman in a wheelchair who had her legs amputated. Without a sidewalk to walk on, the skinny man was battling foot and vehicle traffic, rocks and stones piled high, and giant potholes filled with grey, smelly water deep enough to make car tires disappear.
Since the earthquake, officials estimate doctors have performed 2,000 amputations of major bones (not fingers or toes) and treated tens of thousands major bone fractures. Half of those amputations were performed on people less than 20 years old.
Visit The Santa Barbara Independent for the whole story.
By Chris Meagher (Contact)
Outside St. Damien’s Children Hospital, an older man was struggling to push a woman in a wheelchair who had her legs amputated. Without a sidewalk to walk on, the skinny man was battling foot and vehicle traffic, rocks and stones piled high, and giant potholes filled with grey, smelly water deep enough to make car tires disappear.
Since the earthquake, officials estimate doctors have performed 2,000 amputations of major bones (not fingers or toes) and treated tens of thousands major bone fractures. Half of those amputations were performed on people less than 20 years old.
Visit The Santa Barbara Independent for the whole story.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Direct Relief Commits $1.2 Million in Cash for Disability Programs in Haiti
3 Feb 2010 20:15:00 GMT
Source: Direct Relief International (DRI) - USA
Reuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are the author's alone.
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Direct Relief International today announced that it is committing $1.2 million - approximately one-third of the cash support it has received for recovery efforts in Haiti - to support the establishment of prosthetics and orthotics services and the provision of needed assistive devices and rehabilitation to enable long-term response efforts for the people affected by the recent earthquake.
Direct Relief Emergency Preparedness and Response Director Brett Williams, who is in Haiti overseeing the organization's relief efforts, made this announcement today following consultation yesterday with other Haitian and international organizations who have formed a working group to coordinate assistance in the area of care for people who have sustained disabling conditions.
"We know this is a long-term need, and we want help start services that will be here five years from now for Haitians, and run by Haitians," said Williams.
"An additional $2 million likely will be needed, which we will work on, but we think it is important to carve out resources and begin focusing on this critical area now for the long haul," said Williams. "The funds we have received are for Haiti and Haitians, and they'll be invested in Haiti to build local capacity to sustain ongoing efforts."
Williams led Direct Relief's effort in Pakistan following the massive 2005 earthquake to help the Pakistan Institute of Prosthetic and Orthotic Sciences (PIPOS) expand five-fold its services - including the fitting and local fabrication of prosthetics and orthotics - to serve thousands of people who had been left with disabilities. The expanded service centers continue to provide essential services with locally trained staff five years later, with ongoing support from Direct Relief.
PIPOS Medical Director Dr. Bakht Sarwar is a world leader in prosthetics and orthotics services and was among the first to offer assistance to Direct Relief and its partners in Haiti after the quake.
Direct Relief has supported local health efforts in Haiti since 1964 by providing essential medicines, supplies, and equipment to dozens of partner facilities. Since the January 12 quake, Direct Relief has sped medical aid to Haitian partner facilities struggling to meet the tremendous surge of injured patients.
Meeting Immediate Needs: The organization yesterday also delivered six tons of essential medicines and medical supplies to St. Damien Hospital in Port-au-Prince, the nation's only free pediatric hospital, to help them treat injured patients.
Including yesterday's delivery to St. Damien, Direct Relief has delivered to its partners more than $5.7 million in essential medical supplies, which have been donated by dozens of healthcare company partners. An additional $18.5 million in medical material requested by partner facilities is en route and will be delivered in the next several days, which will be followed by additional infusions in the months and years ahead.
In spite of the widely reported bottlenecks of humanitarian aid, Direct Relief's assistance has reached the local healthcare facilities with which it is working, mainly because of pre-existing relations, specific targeting of aid to specific facilities that have requested them, and distribution channels to the facilities.
To ensure coordination with other aid inflows and compliance with accepted practices in emergency situations, Williams and his Direct Relief colleagues also are meeting daily with other groups in the U.N.-led health and logistics clusters to share information and plans.
With specific regard to donations of pharmaceutical products, which require specialized handling and tracking, Direct Relief is providing the World Health Organization/Pan-American Health Organization onsite event managers with detailed lists of all incoming medical material and the recipient facilities.
About Direct Relief International
Founded in 1948, Direct Relief is a Santa Barbara, California-based nonprofit organization focused on improving quality of life by bringing critically needed medicines and supplies to local healthcare providers worldwide. Direct Relief has provided more than $1 billion in privately funded humanitarian aid since 2000, including more than $150 million in assistance in the United States. It has earned a fundraising efficiency score of 99 percent or better from Forbes for the past eight years, and is ranked by the Chronicle of Philanthropy as California's largest international nonprofit organization based on private support. For more information, please visit
Source: Direct Relief International (DRI) - USA
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PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Direct Relief International today announced that it is committing $1.2 million - approximately one-third of the cash support it has received for recovery efforts in Haiti - to support the establishment of prosthetics and orthotics services and the provision of needed assistive devices and rehabilitation to enable long-term response efforts for the people affected by the recent earthquake.
Direct Relief Emergency Preparedness and Response Director Brett Williams, who is in Haiti overseeing the organization's relief efforts, made this announcement today following consultation yesterday with other Haitian and international organizations who have formed a working group to coordinate assistance in the area of care for people who have sustained disabling conditions.
"We know this is a long-term need, and we want help start services that will be here five years from now for Haitians, and run by Haitians," said Williams.
"An additional $2 million likely will be needed, which we will work on, but we think it is important to carve out resources and begin focusing on this critical area now for the long haul," said Williams. "The funds we have received are for Haiti and Haitians, and they'll be invested in Haiti to build local capacity to sustain ongoing efforts."
Williams led Direct Relief's effort in Pakistan following the massive 2005 earthquake to help the Pakistan Institute of Prosthetic and Orthotic Sciences (PIPOS) expand five-fold its services - including the fitting and local fabrication of prosthetics and orthotics - to serve thousands of people who had been left with disabilities. The expanded service centers continue to provide essential services with locally trained staff five years later, with ongoing support from Direct Relief.
PIPOS Medical Director Dr. Bakht Sarwar is a world leader in prosthetics and orthotics services and was among the first to offer assistance to Direct Relief and its partners in Haiti after the quake.
Direct Relief has supported local health efforts in Haiti since 1964 by providing essential medicines, supplies, and equipment to dozens of partner facilities. Since the January 12 quake, Direct Relief has sped medical aid to Haitian partner facilities struggling to meet the tremendous surge of injured patients.
Meeting Immediate Needs: The organization yesterday also delivered six tons of essential medicines and medical supplies to St. Damien Hospital in Port-au-Prince, the nation's only free pediatric hospital, to help them treat injured patients.
Including yesterday's delivery to St. Damien, Direct Relief has delivered to its partners more than $5.7 million in essential medical supplies, which have been donated by dozens of healthcare company partners. An additional $18.5 million in medical material requested by partner facilities is en route and will be delivered in the next several days, which will be followed by additional infusions in the months and years ahead.
In spite of the widely reported bottlenecks of humanitarian aid, Direct Relief's assistance has reached the local healthcare facilities with which it is working, mainly because of pre-existing relations, specific targeting of aid to specific facilities that have requested them, and distribution channels to the facilities.
To ensure coordination with other aid inflows and compliance with accepted practices in emergency situations, Williams and his Direct Relief colleagues also are meeting daily with other groups in the U.N.-led health and logistics clusters to share information and plans.
With specific regard to donations of pharmaceutical products, which require specialized handling and tracking, Direct Relief is providing the World Health Organization/Pan-American Health Organization onsite event managers with detailed lists of all incoming medical material and the recipient facilities.
About Direct Relief International
Founded in 1948, Direct Relief is a Santa Barbara, California-based nonprofit organization focused on improving quality of life by bringing critically needed medicines and supplies to local healthcare providers worldwide. Direct Relief has provided more than $1 billion in privately funded humanitarian aid since 2000, including more than $150 million in assistance in the United States. It has earned a fundraising efficiency score of 99 percent or better from Forbes for the past eight years, and is ranked by the Chronicle of Philanthropy as California's largest international nonprofit organization based on private support. For more information, please visit
Direct Relief takes long-term view on Haiti aid effort By ERIC LINDBERG — Feb. 5, 2010
Approximately one third of the donations made to local medical aid organization Direct Relief International to help victims of the earthquake in Haiti will be used to establish long-term prosthetics and orthotics services.
Direct Relief officials said the organization is committing $1.2 million to provide assistive devices and rehabilitation to those who suffered disabling injuries during the mid-January quake.
“We know this is a long-term need, and we want to help start services that will be here five years from now for Haitians and run by Haitians,” Brett Williams, the nonprofit’s emergency preparedness and response director, said in a news release. “An additional $2 million like will be needed, which we will work on, but we think it is important to carve out resources and begin focusing on this critical area now for the long haul.”
In Haiti to oversee Direct Relief’s aid efforts, Williams said a working group has been formed with other Haitian and international organizations to collaborate on the long-term recovery process.
He has experience in dealing with the aftermath of an earthquake, having spent time in Pakistan following a severe earthquake in 2005. During that time, Williams helped the Pakistan Institute of Prosthetic and Orthotic Sciences expand its services to serve thousands of victims who needed to be fitted with prosthetics and orthotics.
Direct Relief has also continued addressing immediate medical needs in Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince, and recently delivered six tons of essential medical supplies to St. Damien Hospital.
An additional $18.5 million in medications and supplies will be delivered in the next few days, and will be supplemented in the coming months and years, Direct Relief officials said.
“In spite of the widely reported bottlenecks of humanitarian aid, Direct Relief’s assistance has reached the local healthcare facilities with which it is working, mainly because of pre-existing relations, specific targeting of aid to specific facilities that have requested them, and distribution channels to the facilities,” according to a news release from the nonprofit.
Direct Relief officials said the organization is committing $1.2 million to provide assistive devices and rehabilitation to those who suffered disabling injuries during the mid-January quake.
“We know this is a long-term need, and we want to help start services that will be here five years from now for Haitians and run by Haitians,” Brett Williams, the nonprofit’s emergency preparedness and response director, said in a news release. “An additional $2 million like will be needed, which we will work on, but we think it is important to carve out resources and begin focusing on this critical area now for the long haul.”
In Haiti to oversee Direct Relief’s aid efforts, Williams said a working group has been formed with other Haitian and international organizations to collaborate on the long-term recovery process.
He has experience in dealing with the aftermath of an earthquake, having spent time in Pakistan following a severe earthquake in 2005. During that time, Williams helped the Pakistan Institute of Prosthetic and Orthotic Sciences expand its services to serve thousands of victims who needed to be fitted with prosthetics and orthotics.
Direct Relief has also continued addressing immediate medical needs in Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince, and recently delivered six tons of essential medical supplies to St. Damien Hospital.
An additional $18.5 million in medications and supplies will be delivered in the next few days, and will be supplemented in the coming months and years, Direct Relief officials said.
“In spite of the widely reported bottlenecks of humanitarian aid, Direct Relief’s assistance has reached the local healthcare facilities with which it is working, mainly because of pre-existing relations, specific targeting of aid to specific facilities that have requested them, and distribution channels to the facilities,” according to a news release from the nonprofit.
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