The Amputee Network is an organization dedicated to educating all amputees, their families and friends. Our primary objective is to help in the prosthetic rehabilitation. In a confidential manner we exchange useful information among amputees and professionals with special skills - all designed with the common goal of improving the amputee's quality of life.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Museum exhibit looks at advances in prosthetics since Civil War
Monday, August 28, 2006
Museum exhibit looks at advances in prosthetics since Civil War
Visit the Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum Memorial
Marine Cpl. John Chmill, who is one of more than 20,000 soldiers wounded since 2001 while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, stands on his porch in Carrick next to his Marine flag.
By Paula Reed WardPittsburgh Post-Gazette
U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. John Chmill was driving a personnel truck loaded down with about 30 troops along a road in Ramadi, Iraq, when he pulled around a bend and saw a police car sitting in the island in the middle of the road.
Before he knew it, the car crashed into the truck -- his side -- and blew up, setting off a fire ball and flying shrapnel that left Cpl. Chmill without his left eye and three fingers on his left hand.
"I remember glancing at my hand in the truck," he said. "My fingers were still there, but barely connected."
A prosthetic arm from 1880. This arm can not only be flexed at the elbow, it also has hidden springs inside the fingers. It is among replacement limbs going on display at Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum and Monument.
He was 22 years old, single and "disfigured for life."
"That was the first thing I thought about when it happened," said Cpl. Chmill, recounting that November 2004 day. "Then I thought, I've got to get out of this truck before I worry about being single for life."
He climbed out of the truck's turret and lay on the ground until someone came to his aid and he was taken back to his base. Later he was flown to Baghdad, then Germany, then to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.
He now has an acrylic eye that he can put in or take out in mere seconds, and he's waiting for a prosthetic hand that will give him better use.
Cpl. Chmill is just one of more than 20,000 soldiers who have been wounded fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001. Of those, 460 have undergone amputations, and of those, at least 78 have lost multiple limbs.
On Friday, Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum & Memorial will hold the grand opening for its newest exhibit, "Beyond the Battlefield," which looks at what soldiers like Cpl. Chmill face after returning from battle with missing limbs.
The display -- spread between two large glass cases -- features prosthetic limbs that date to the Civil War, the tools field surgeons used to remove damaged body parts, and interesting facts about how prosthetic technology has changed.
Though prosthetics dating to the Middle Ages have been found, it was during the Civil War, when some 180,000 amputations were performed, that replacing those lost limbs became a regular practice, said Drew Buffat, the director of prosthetics for De La Torre Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc. in Blawnox.
A poster titled "The Empty Sleeve" is part of the exhibit. An empty sleeve was regarded as a badge of honor during the Civil War.
The human cost of war.
The likelihood of surviving battlefield wounds, as cited by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons:
69.7 percent in World War II.
76.4 percent in the Vietnam War.
90.4 percent in the current war in Iraq.
As of Thursday, 2,610 American troops had been killed in Iraq, and 19,609 had been wounded; 328 had been killed in Afghanistan and 879 had been wounded.
Source: U.S. Departmentof Defense
Back then, he said, replacement arms and legs were made of wood and were heavy and cumbersome.
"From that point on, it was a slow progression of advancement," Mr. Buffat said.
In the 20 years he's been in the field, Mr. Buffat said, he has seen materials evolve from wood and plastic to carbon fiber and titanium. Where there used to be only two or three kinds of prosthetic feet available, there are now 40 or 50 different models.
"The war in Iraq has really brought it to the forefront again," he said.
Computerized microprocessors that are available now can control the hydraulics in prosthetic limbs to provide "stumble recovery" and help prevent the wearer from falling.
"There's a lot of thought that goes into each step," Mr. Buffat said. "They're not as mentally exhausted from worrying about falling."
Though much has changed in the technology of prosthetics, what hasn't changed is the adjustment returning soldiers must make to cope with their lost limbs.
There are physical problems to overcome -- often the skin around the remaining stump is sensitive and can break down easily under a prosthesis, sometimes requiring more surgery. And there are emotional problems to overcome -- feeling like less of a person and coping with the loss of independence or mobility.
In Pittsburgh, there are only four amputees from Iraq and Afghanistan receiving treatment at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, said Dr. Katherine Flood, a staff physiatrist, or physician who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. There are many more, though, from World War II and Vietnam who are treated there.
Amputees returning from current world conflicts, though, are often not limited only to losing limbs, Dr. Flood said. Many are blind or suffer from traumatic brain injuries.
For any soldier returning with such serious problems, one of the most important factors in recovery, she said, is having a strong psychological and social support system. Under those circumstances, the person can often achieve recovery in a year or two.
"I think people are incredibly adaptable," she said. "It's a marvel to me."
On the spectrum, adjusting to the loss of a lower limb is done more easily than losing a hand or arm, Dr. Flood said.
The reason, she said, is that the foot and leg are used for gross motor skills, while the hand has sensory input, which is harder to compensate for with a prosthesis.
For Cpl. Chmill, adjusting to losing a large portion of his left hand was much harder than accepting that he had lost an eye. He has trouble gripping with his left hand, which makes tying his shoes and opening jars and other containers difficult.
Cpl. Chmill can drive a golf ball 150 yards -- not something, he said, that will get him on the PGA Tour, but pretty good nonetheless.
Carolyn Haser, artistic director at Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum and Memorial, looks over the "Beyond the Battlefield" display, which will have a grand opening Friday with a wine and cheese reception.Click photo for larger image.
He recently bought a house in Carrick and is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh, majoring in communications and economics.
In September, he's scheduled to have plastic surgery to try to remove some of the "tattooing," or blue scarring around his lost eye.
"You can tell they want to ask questions. A lot of people are curious what happened. A lot of people are afraid to ask," Cpl. Chmill said. "People are really nervous to ask the wrong question and offend you, which I don't mind, because I'd be curious, too."
Unlike during the Civil War or World War II, today's soldiers are in a gross minority, said George Wunderlich, the executive director of the National Museum of Civil War Medicine in Frederick, Md.
Many people may not know a single soldier fighting in Iraq, he said.
"What we see today is less of a personal connection with these men," he said. "They're not always people we know."
In the World War II generation, for example, it wasn't unusual to see a young man missing a limb or disfigured from his injuries.
"We don't have the experience in dealing with it anymore like we did before," Mr. Wunderlich said.
But, one thing that has evolved -- at least since the turmoil of the Vietnam War -- is that people are able to separate their distaste for war from the individual warrior.
Cpl. Chmill has experienced nothing but positive reactions since his return.
"I think the amount of respect I've been shown is amazing," he said.
That respect and gratitude is what the exhibit at Soldiers & Sailors is designed to elicit, said Carolyn Haser, the artistic director there.
"At Soldiers & Sailors, we remember those that gave their lives, but we have to remember the boys who come back," she said. "I hope, if anything, it inspires someone to thank a vet."
"Hopefully, we have a generation that looks on these people and appreciates the sacrifice," added Ron Gancas, president and chief executive officer at the museum.
The grand opening for "Beyond the Battlefield" at Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum & Memorial in Oakland will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday. It will include a wine and cheese reception as well as a presentation by the museum president and CEO.
Museum exhibit looks at advances in prosthetics since Civil War
Visit the Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum Memorial
Marine Cpl. John Chmill, who is one of more than 20,000 soldiers wounded since 2001 while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, stands on his porch in Carrick next to his Marine flag.
By Paula Reed WardPittsburgh Post-Gazette
U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. John Chmill was driving a personnel truck loaded down with about 30 troops along a road in Ramadi, Iraq, when he pulled around a bend and saw a police car sitting in the island in the middle of the road.
Before he knew it, the car crashed into the truck -- his side -- and blew up, setting off a fire ball and flying shrapnel that left Cpl. Chmill without his left eye and three fingers on his left hand.
"I remember glancing at my hand in the truck," he said. "My fingers were still there, but barely connected."
A prosthetic arm from 1880. This arm can not only be flexed at the elbow, it also has hidden springs inside the fingers. It is among replacement limbs going on display at Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum and Monument.
He was 22 years old, single and "disfigured for life."
"That was the first thing I thought about when it happened," said Cpl. Chmill, recounting that November 2004 day. "Then I thought, I've got to get out of this truck before I worry about being single for life."
He climbed out of the truck's turret and lay on the ground until someone came to his aid and he was taken back to his base. Later he was flown to Baghdad, then Germany, then to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.
He now has an acrylic eye that he can put in or take out in mere seconds, and he's waiting for a prosthetic hand that will give him better use.
Cpl. Chmill is just one of more than 20,000 soldiers who have been wounded fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001. Of those, 460 have undergone amputations, and of those, at least 78 have lost multiple limbs.
On Friday, Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum & Memorial will hold the grand opening for its newest exhibit, "Beyond the Battlefield," which looks at what soldiers like Cpl. Chmill face after returning from battle with missing limbs.
The display -- spread between two large glass cases -- features prosthetic limbs that date to the Civil War, the tools field surgeons used to remove damaged body parts, and interesting facts about how prosthetic technology has changed.
Though prosthetics dating to the Middle Ages have been found, it was during the Civil War, when some 180,000 amputations were performed, that replacing those lost limbs became a regular practice, said Drew Buffat, the director of prosthetics for De La Torre Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc. in Blawnox.
A poster titled "The Empty Sleeve" is part of the exhibit. An empty sleeve was regarded as a badge of honor during the Civil War.
The human cost of war.
The likelihood of surviving battlefield wounds, as cited by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons:
69.7 percent in World War II.
76.4 percent in the Vietnam War.
90.4 percent in the current war in Iraq.
As of Thursday, 2,610 American troops had been killed in Iraq, and 19,609 had been wounded; 328 had been killed in Afghanistan and 879 had been wounded.
Source: U.S. Departmentof Defense
Back then, he said, replacement arms and legs were made of wood and were heavy and cumbersome.
"From that point on, it was a slow progression of advancement," Mr. Buffat said.
In the 20 years he's been in the field, Mr. Buffat said, he has seen materials evolve from wood and plastic to carbon fiber and titanium. Where there used to be only two or three kinds of prosthetic feet available, there are now 40 or 50 different models.
"The war in Iraq has really brought it to the forefront again," he said.
Computerized microprocessors that are available now can control the hydraulics in prosthetic limbs to provide "stumble recovery" and help prevent the wearer from falling.
"There's a lot of thought that goes into each step," Mr. Buffat said. "They're not as mentally exhausted from worrying about falling."
Though much has changed in the technology of prosthetics, what hasn't changed is the adjustment returning soldiers must make to cope with their lost limbs.
There are physical problems to overcome -- often the skin around the remaining stump is sensitive and can break down easily under a prosthesis, sometimes requiring more surgery. And there are emotional problems to overcome -- feeling like less of a person and coping with the loss of independence or mobility.
In Pittsburgh, there are only four amputees from Iraq and Afghanistan receiving treatment at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, said Dr. Katherine Flood, a staff physiatrist, or physician who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. There are many more, though, from World War II and Vietnam who are treated there.
Amputees returning from current world conflicts, though, are often not limited only to losing limbs, Dr. Flood said. Many are blind or suffer from traumatic brain injuries.
For any soldier returning with such serious problems, one of the most important factors in recovery, she said, is having a strong psychological and social support system. Under those circumstances, the person can often achieve recovery in a year or two.
"I think people are incredibly adaptable," she said. "It's a marvel to me."
On the spectrum, adjusting to the loss of a lower limb is done more easily than losing a hand or arm, Dr. Flood said.
The reason, she said, is that the foot and leg are used for gross motor skills, while the hand has sensory input, which is harder to compensate for with a prosthesis.
For Cpl. Chmill, adjusting to losing a large portion of his left hand was much harder than accepting that he had lost an eye. He has trouble gripping with his left hand, which makes tying his shoes and opening jars and other containers difficult.
Cpl. Chmill can drive a golf ball 150 yards -- not something, he said, that will get him on the PGA Tour, but pretty good nonetheless.
Carolyn Haser, artistic director at Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum and Memorial, looks over the "Beyond the Battlefield" display, which will have a grand opening Friday with a wine and cheese reception.Click photo for larger image.
He recently bought a house in Carrick and is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh, majoring in communications and economics.
In September, he's scheduled to have plastic surgery to try to remove some of the "tattooing," or blue scarring around his lost eye.
"You can tell they want to ask questions. A lot of people are curious what happened. A lot of people are afraid to ask," Cpl. Chmill said. "People are really nervous to ask the wrong question and offend you, which I don't mind, because I'd be curious, too."
Unlike during the Civil War or World War II, today's soldiers are in a gross minority, said George Wunderlich, the executive director of the National Museum of Civil War Medicine in Frederick, Md.
Many people may not know a single soldier fighting in Iraq, he said.
"What we see today is less of a personal connection with these men," he said. "They're not always people we know."
In the World War II generation, for example, it wasn't unusual to see a young man missing a limb or disfigured from his injuries.
"We don't have the experience in dealing with it anymore like we did before," Mr. Wunderlich said.
But, one thing that has evolved -- at least since the turmoil of the Vietnam War -- is that people are able to separate their distaste for war from the individual warrior.
Cpl. Chmill has experienced nothing but positive reactions since his return.
"I think the amount of respect I've been shown is amazing," he said.
That respect and gratitude is what the exhibit at Soldiers & Sailors is designed to elicit, said Carolyn Haser, the artistic director there.
"At Soldiers & Sailors, we remember those that gave their lives, but we have to remember the boys who come back," she said. "I hope, if anything, it inspires someone to thank a vet."
"Hopefully, we have a generation that looks on these people and appreciates the sacrifice," added Ron Gancas, president and chief executive officer at the museum.
The grand opening for "Beyond the Battlefield" at Soldiers & Sailors National Military Museum & Memorial in Oakland will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday. It will include a wine and cheese reception as well as a presentation by the museum president and CEO.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Fallston Pharmacy for your Durable Medical Goods
For your "Durable Medical Goods" in the Bel Air / Harford County, Maryland area visit Fallston Pharmacy, 2112 Bel Air Road, Fallston, Maryland 21047.
(410) 879-9000
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(410) 879-9000
Fax: (410) 879-9047
Post-Mastectomy Prostheses
"A Perfect Fit" Harford County's Premier Women's Boutique
A Perfect Fit was established with the unique needs of women following breast surgery, chemotherapy and radiation in mind. For this reason, we have created a boutique with a comfortable, private setting to assist you with your breast care and headwear needs. We also carry full figure bras for women that have not had a mastectomy in sizes 34D through 48H including hard to find "DDD". A Perfect Fit is the shopping destination for full figure bras such as Goddess, Aviana, Playtex and Wacoal. NOW OPEN SOME SATURDAYS! CALL FOR INFORMATION!
2021-A Emmorton Road, Bel Air, Maryland 21015
A Perfect Fit was established with the unique needs of women following breast surgery, chemotherapy and radiation in mind. For this reason, we have created a boutique with a comfortable, private setting to assist you with your breast care and headwear needs. We also carry full figure bras for women that have not had a mastectomy in sizes 34D through 48H including hard to find "DDD". A Perfect Fit is the shopping destination for full figure bras such as Goddess, Aviana, Playtex and Wacoal. NOW OPEN SOME SATURDAYS! CALL FOR INFORMATION!
2021-A Emmorton Road, Bel Air, Maryland 21015
Friday, August 25, 2006
Shark bite survivor Achmat to get hi-tech leg
Melanie Peters August 19 2006 at 12:10PM
Shark attack survivor Achmat Hassiem could be walking in six weeks after accepting an offer for a free prosthesis and rehabilitation for a year.Orthotics and prosthetics company Progressive Ortho-paedics, based at Vincent Pallotti hospital in Pinelands, Cape Town, has teamed up with Medactive, a national supplier of orthotic and prosthetic components, to offer Achmat a hi-tech artificial limb. They have also arranged sponsorship for physiotherapy and biokinetic rehabilitation at Vincent Pallotti. The estimated cost of the limb and the sponsorship is around R60 000.Hassiem said it was a wonderful gesture. "I have received so much support and help. There are so many kind people out there."
'He's a very positive guy and is happy...'He said he was looking forward to recovering so he could get back to lifesaving.With other members of the False Bay Life Saving Association, Hassiem was taking part in an exercise at Sunrise Beach near Muizenberg last Sunday when he was attacked by a shark, thought to be a Great White, which bit his right foot off. He was rapidly pulled aboard the association's rubberduck which was about 20m away, and taken ashore to be stabilised before being flown to Constantiaberg.Jayson Chin, owner of Progressive Orthopaedics, said the two companies had heard the Hassiem family did not have medical aid cover for prosthetics and decided to come to his assistance."Achmat is a lifesaver who at times puts his life on the line to save others, and his incredible courage in the wake of the attack prompted us to make this offer. We hope to be able to play a part in helping Achmat live a normal, active life again as soon as possible."We'll supply Achmat with his initial prosthesis and look after him for the next year in terms of all his prosthetic needs. We'll have our whole team look after him and arrange for his rehabilitation by a physiotherapist and biokinetist. "He's a very positive guy and is happy to be able to get up and out of bed. His parents are also thrilled and his mum says he's already talking about taking part in upcoming lifesaving activities," said Chin.
This article was originally published on page 1 of Cape Argus on August 19, 2006
Shark attack survivor Achmat Hassiem could be walking in six weeks after accepting an offer for a free prosthesis and rehabilitation for a year.Orthotics and prosthetics company Progressive Ortho-paedics, based at Vincent Pallotti hospital in Pinelands, Cape Town, has teamed up with Medactive, a national supplier of orthotic and prosthetic components, to offer Achmat a hi-tech artificial limb. They have also arranged sponsorship for physiotherapy and biokinetic rehabilitation at Vincent Pallotti. The estimated cost of the limb and the sponsorship is around R60 000.Hassiem said it was a wonderful gesture. "I have received so much support and help. There are so many kind people out there."
'He's a very positive guy and is happy...'He said he was looking forward to recovering so he could get back to lifesaving.With other members of the False Bay Life Saving Association, Hassiem was taking part in an exercise at Sunrise Beach near Muizenberg last Sunday when he was attacked by a shark, thought to be a Great White, which bit his right foot off. He was rapidly pulled aboard the association's rubberduck which was about 20m away, and taken ashore to be stabilised before being flown to Constantiaberg.Jayson Chin, owner of Progressive Orthopaedics, said the two companies had heard the Hassiem family did not have medical aid cover for prosthetics and decided to come to his assistance."Achmat is a lifesaver who at times puts his life on the line to save others, and his incredible courage in the wake of the attack prompted us to make this offer. We hope to be able to play a part in helping Achmat live a normal, active life again as soon as possible."We'll supply Achmat with his initial prosthesis and look after him for the next year in terms of all his prosthetic needs. We'll have our whole team look after him and arrange for his rehabilitation by a physiotherapist and biokinetist. "He's a very positive guy and is happy to be able to get up and out of bed. His parents are also thrilled and his mum says he's already talking about taking part in upcoming lifesaving activities," said Chin.
This article was originally published on page 1 of Cape Argus on August 19, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
O & P Extremity Games 2006

Visit the O & P Extremity Games for Results of the 2006 Games!
Jessica Long of Baltimore, Maryland won 2 nd Place / Woman's Rockclimbing.
Jessica Long of Baltimore, Maryland won 2 nd Place / Woman's Rockclimbing.
Resources Page Updates
Please visit The Amputee Network Resources page for updates!
If you find any links which are not connecting please let me know. If you have a link, you would like added to Resources page, please pass it along, and I'll give it a link!
visit The Amputee Network Resources page!
Best wishes,
James Wilson Sr., CO RPA
If you find any links which are not connecting please let me know. If you have a link, you would like added to Resources page, please pass it along, and I'll give it a link!
visit The Amputee Network Resources page!
Best wishes,
James Wilson Sr., CO RPA
Tour de Tough

Lee Cardon
Cardon lost part of his left leg in a traffic collision, but never stopped PURSUING his goals.
Read his story!
Cardon lost part of his left leg in a traffic collision, but never stopped PURSUING his goals.
Read his story!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
What resources are available to the amputee?
Your Prosthetist
There are many organizations across the country that offer information and support to amputees. Amputee support groups and peer visitations can be invaluable to you as a new amputee facing life’s challenges. You may want to contact:
Amputee Coalition of America
900 East Hill Avenue, Suite 285
Knoxville, TN 37915
(888) 267-5669
In addition there are other organizations that publish information about prosthetics:
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (AAOP)
1650 King Street, Suite 500
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 836-7118
Home Page: www.oandp.com/academy
AAOP is the professional membership organization for orthotic and prosthetic healthcare professionals certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. (ABC).
AAOP publishes a number of booklets for amputees such as: For the New Amputee, You Have a Choice: Improving Orthotic & Prosthetic Outcomes, Care & Use Guide: For Below-Knee Amputee, and Care & Use Guide: Plastic Ankle-Foot Orthosis.
Northwestern University
Rehabilitation Engineering Program
345 S. Superior St., Room 1441
Chicago, IL 60611-4496
(312) 908-8560
You may wish to visit your local public library or the library of a nearby college or university to locate additional printed materials about prosthetics. In addition your prosthetist may be able to provide you with a reading list of books that contain information to help you to become a successful wearer of a prosthesis.
There is also a growing amount of information available on the Internet:
Via the Internet you can access current information by searching with key words like: amputee; prostheses; artificial limbs.
Also visit The Amputee Networks Resources Page at http://homepage.mac.com/birdhousestudios/resources.htm
There are many organizations across the country that offer information and support to amputees. Amputee support groups and peer visitations can be invaluable to you as a new amputee facing life’s challenges. You may want to contact:
Amputee Coalition of America
900 East Hill Avenue, Suite 285
Knoxville, TN 37915
(888) 267-5669
In addition there are other organizations that publish information about prosthetics:
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (AAOP)
1650 King Street, Suite 500
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 836-7118
Home Page: www.oandp.com/academy
AAOP is the professional membership organization for orthotic and prosthetic healthcare professionals certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. (ABC).
AAOP publishes a number of booklets for amputees such as: For the New Amputee, You Have a Choice: Improving Orthotic & Prosthetic Outcomes, Care & Use Guide: For Below-Knee Amputee, and Care & Use Guide: Plastic Ankle-Foot Orthosis.
Northwestern University
Rehabilitation Engineering Program
345 S. Superior St., Room 1441
Chicago, IL 60611-4496
(312) 908-8560
You may wish to visit your local public library or the library of a nearby college or university to locate additional printed materials about prosthetics. In addition your prosthetist may be able to provide you with a reading list of books that contain information to help you to become a successful wearer of a prosthesis.
There is also a growing amount of information available on the Internet:
Via the Internet you can access current information by searching with key words like: amputee; prostheses; artificial limbs.
Also visit The Amputee Networks Resources Page at http://homepage.mac.com/birdhousestudios/resources.htm
Thursday, August 03, 2006
The Official Amputee Network Web Site
Please visit our official Amputee Network web site for information about our board of directors, meetings, resources, contact information and how to make donations.
Visit www.theamputeenetwork.org.
Visit www.theamputeenetwork.org.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Receive e-mail from other amputees
If you would like to be added to our e-mail list please send your request to webmaster@theamputeenetwork.org
Please join us!
Please join us!
Read stories of other amputees, & share your story
Posted on our website are some stories of just a few of our members which are meant to enlighten, motivate and encourage other amputees. If you would like to have your story added to our web site please send it to webmaster@theamputeenetwork.org.
Become active in The Amputee Network
There are a number of ways you can become active in The Amputee Network:
Become part of our e-mail support group - you will then be able to receive and answer e-mail from other amputees in our community. It is a great way of helping others who may be home bound and unable to attend our meeting. And,this is a great way of sharing your experiences with others.
Become part of our phone tree for community outreach . This is a wonderful oportunity to visit with the new amputee, in the hospital or in the home, to share your personal experiences with them, one on one. Only you can share this gift with the new amputee.
Attend special events sponsored by The Amputee Network.
Become part of our e-mail support group - you will then be able to receive and answer e-mail from other amputees in our community. It is a great way of helping others who may be home bound and unable to attend our meeting. And,this is a great way of sharing your experiences with others.
Become part of our phone tree for community outreach . This is a wonderful oportunity to visit with the new amputee, in the hospital or in the home, to share your personal experiences with them, one on one. Only you can share this gift with the new amputee.
Attend special events sponsored by The Amputee Network.
Please share your experiences
We have found that only someone who has lost a limb has the life experience which they can share with another amputee, providing hope in a way which no other person can. By sharing your experiences with another amputee, you can greatly improve acceptance, hope for the future and rehabilitation for the new amputee, that they may once again lead a full and active life. Please join us by attending our monthly support group meetings and by being availiable to new amputees in our community.
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